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For more details on the courses, please refer to the Course Catalog

Code Course Title Credit Learning Time Division Degree Grade Note Language Availability
ISW2001 Basic Mathematics for Machine Learning 3 6 Major Bachelor 2-3 Korean Yes
This course introduces the fundamental mathematical concepts and theories necessary to understand machine learning and artificial intelligence. Beginning with the basic mathematical units and precision, it progresses to an understanding of widely used concepts in deep learning, including linear algebra, nonlinear functions, statistical measures, probability distributions, partial derivatives, convolutions, and performance evaluation metrics. The course concludes with a brief introduction to advanced topics such as entropy, quantization, multivariate random variables, and graph representations. This course focuses on the mathematical tools required for machine learning.
ISW2002 Digital Signal Processing Basics 3 6 Major Bachelor 2-3 Korean Yes
This course covers the fundamental concepts of signal processing and various digital signal processing methods. In the first half, students will learn the basic concepts of systems, including characteristics of continuous and discrete signals, linearity, time invariance, and causality. The second half focuses on digital signals, covering topics such as sampling, aliasing, interpolation, frequency analysis, digital filters, and Fourier Transform. In particular, the course addresses techniques widely used in processing digital images and audio signals, which are key application areas in artificial intelligence that we frequently encounter. Additionally, the course includes Python-based programming labs where students implement important signal processing methods like the Fourier Transform.
ISW3001 Introduction to Quantum Computing and Systems 3 6 Major Bachelor 3-4 Korean Yes
This course provides an introduction to fundamental quantum information theory, representative quantum applications, and recent trends in the development of large-scale quantum computers. - Quantum information theory: Superposition, entanglement, and quantum state measurement. - Quantum applications: Shor's algorithm, Quantum Fourier Transform (QFT), quantum phase estimation (QPE), and Quantum Machine Learning (QML). - Quantum computer systems: Control of physical qubits, quantum error correction, quantum compiler.
SWE2001 System Program 3 6 Major Bachelor 2 Computer Science and Engineering Korean,English,Korean Yes
This course introduces the theory, design, and implementation methodology of various types of system softwares such as assembler, preprocessor(macro processor), linker, loader, and text editor. System software is closely related to hardware architecture and thus the central theme of this course is the relationship between machine architecture and system softwares. The recommended prerequisites for this course might include data structures and C/C++ programming languages.
SWE2003 Automata 3 6 Major Bachelor 2-4 Computer Science and Engineering English Yes
This course covers formal language, automata, grammar, and computational which topics are fundamental in computer science. Specific topics includes finite automata, formal language, context-free grammar, push-down automata, pumping lemma, turing machine, chomski hierarchy, deterministic/non-deterministic, and computational complexity.
SWE2015 Data Structures 3 6 Major Bachelor 2 Computer Science and Engineering Korean,English,Korean Yes
The purpose of this course is to introduce data structures necessary for solving computer-oriented real problem and principles and techniques for specifying algorithms. The interesting topics will include the following; arrays, stacks, quenes, linked lists, trees, graphs, sorting, hashing, and AVL trees. The recommended prerequisite course for this study might include Discrete Structure and C-language.
SWE2016 Algorithms 3 6 Major Bachelor 2 Computer Science and Engineering Korean,English,Korean Yes
The purpose of this course is to introduce algorithms for solving problems in computer applications and basic principles and techniques for analyzing algorithms. The topics will include analyzing criteria, searching, sorting, graphs, polynomials, string matching, and hard problems etc.
SWE2026 Problem Solving Techniques 3 6 Major Bachelor 2 Computer Science and Engineering English,Korean Yes
The objective of this course is to improve students’ computational thinking and programming skills. We learn essential methodologies and techniques for problem abstraction, solution finding, and solution analysis. We also practice to gain strong development and debugging skills using exercises from programming competitions.
SWE3002 Introduction to Software Engineering 3 6 Major Bachelor 3 Computer Science and Engineering Korean,English,Korean Yes
This course introduces the overall process of software development such as requirement acquisition/definition, specification, design, implementation, verification/validation, conformance testing and maintenance, and handles a number of technical issues employed in each step. Additionally, the lectures on SPICE and CMM, which reflect the importance of software process today, are given. Other trendy issues such as usability engineering, S/W reuse and CASE are also offered.
SWE3003 Introduction to Database 3 6 Major Bachelor 3 Computer Science and Engineering Korean,English,Korean Yes
The purpose of this course is to introduce the fundamental concepts necessary for the design, use, and implementation of database systems. The interesting topics will include the followings, DBMS concepts, ER design, relational model, normalization, hierarchical model, network model, file organization, etc. The prerequisite courses for this study might include Introduction to computer science, discrete structures, data structures.
SWE3004 Operating Systems 3 6 Major Bachelor 3 Computer Science and Engineering Korean,English Yes
Operating system is an essential part of a computer system. It provides an interface to the users and also manages system resources. There are three major goals of this course. One is to provide a firm foundation in the principles and concepts that underlie operating systems. The second is to study and discuss major issues of operating systems such as process management, storage management, file and I/O management, and security management. Finally, we study some design issues for the distributed operating systems and operating systems of parallel processing systems. Also, we study and discuss the characteristics of some standardized operating systems such as Unix and Linux.
SWE3005 Introduction to Computer Architectures 3 6 Major Bachelor 3-4 Computer Science and Engineering Korean,English,Korean Yes
We introduce computational models which govern the logical instruction execution sequencing of the CPU and review a brief history of computer systems. Most discussions on computer architectures are focused on von Neumann Computer architectures : the CPU, memory organization an memory hierarchy, various kind of peripherals and their characteristics, an interconnection structures for connecting the CPU and other components. Here the details on pipelined CPU organizations are described. We also discuss how much control unit implementation techniques are benefitable from the RISC-based processor design technology and give a comparison with that of conventional CISC computer architectures. Based on minimized program execution time high-performance microprocessors commercial available now has been compared in terms of processing performance. In the end of this course the design principles, architectures, goals and technical issues in implementation of parallel processing computer systems are introduced in brief for broadening eye spans of students at the undergraduate level.
SWE3006 Programming Languages 3 6 Major Bachelor 3 Computer Science and Engineering English,Korean Yes
This course introduces the underlying fundamental concepts in various programming languages. The topics are organized around the central area of data objects and types, abstraction mechanisms, sequence control and data control, storage management, syntax and operation environments from the user, implementor, or designer's view. Also, the major programming languages such as imperative language, logical language, functional language, and object oriented languages are explored.
SWE3008 Introduction to Computer Graphics 3 6 Major Bachelor 4 Computer Science and Engineering English Yes
This course introduces graphic hardwares, transformation techniques among various types of coordinates, raster graphic techniques,3 dimension(3D)CG expression, shadow handling mechanism etc. as basic concepts and technical issues to realize virtual Reality(VR), which is being focused as a next generation computer environment, are also introduced.
SWE3011 Introduction to Artificial Intelligence 3 6 Major Bachelor 4 Computer Science and Engineering Korean,English,Korean Yes
This course focuses on foundation of theory and introduction of advanced topics. Detailed subjects for theory are problem representation in state space, search strategy including breadth first search, depth first search and heuristic searchand knowledge representation methods such as using predicate logic, resolution and using rules. Advanced topics planning system (STRIPS), neural network and fuzzy techniques such as perceptron and hopfield network with learning methods, computer vision techniques such as image representation, edge detection, line and curve detection are also introduced. Finally, we introduce symbolic programming language, LISP with examples.