- Jungkyun Kim Receives the 2024 SKKU Graduate Student Thesis Award
- We are pleased to announce the results of the Philosophy department in the 2024 SKKU Graduate Student Thesis Award. Jungkyun Kim (Ph.D. Candidate): Encouragement Prize (Prize Money: 2 million won) Presentation Title: Can Only the Innocent Cast the First Stone? A Pragmatic Explanation for Dismissing the Hypocrite’s Blame Congratulations on the well-deserved award!
- 작성일 2024-12-09
- 조회수 76
- The Korean Society of Analytic Philosophy 2024 Fall Conference (December 14)
The Korean Society of Analytic Philosophy 2024 Fall Conference, co-hosted with the Institute for Philosophy and Liberal Arts at the Department of Philosophy, Sungkyunkwan University, will be held on Saturday, December 14, from 1:55 PM to 5:50 PM in Room 31503, Toegye Humanities Hall, Sungkyunkwan University. The details are as follows: Date: Saturday, December 14, 2024 (1:55 PM – 5:50 PM) Venue: Room 31503, 5th Floor, Toegye Humanities Hall, Sungkyunkwan University Schedule: 1:55–2:00 Opening Remarks: Shin Kim (President, Korean Society of Analytic Philosophy)
2:00–2:55 Kyutae Kang (Seoul National University) A Critique of Perceptualism about Meaning: Based on an Empirical Study of Visual Word Form Areas 2:55–3:50 Beyong Deok Lee (Sungkyunkwan University) Which is More Fundamental: Reasons or Reasoning? 4:00–4:55 Jeonggyu Lee (Sungkyunkwan University) Group Names are Ordinary Names 4:55–5:50 Philolab (Junyeol Kim, Nikolaj Pedersen, SeongSoo Park, Dongyong Choi, Ana Ha), Representative: Junyeol Kim Is the Knowledge that Hesperus is Phosphorus Propositional Knowledge about Venus? Kyutae Kang Title: 의미에 대한 지각주의 비판: 시각 단어 형태 영역에 대한 경험적 연구를 바탕으로 Abstract: 의미에 대한 지각주의에 따르면, 익숙한 언어로 된 발화를 듣거나 글을 읽을 때 우리는 의미를 지각 경험한다. 다시 말해 우리는 발화의 음성적 특성을 듣거나 글자의 모양을 보고 의미를 추론하지 않고, 청각 혹은 경험을 통해 의미를 직접적으로 경험한다. 나는 지각주의에 대해, 시각 단어 형태 영역(Visual Word Form Area)에 대한 신경과학 연구에 근거를 둔 반론을 제시한다. 시각 단어 형태 영역은 의미를 처리하지 않으며, 의미를 처리하기 전 영역이다. 또한, 시각 단어 형태 영역은 지각 경험의 신경상관자가 아니며, 지각 경험의 신경상관자 이후 영역이다. 따라서, 시각으로 들어온 글 정보는 뇌에서 지각 경험의 신경상관자, 시각 단어 형태 영역, 의미 처리 영역 순서로 전달된다. 결론적으로, 의미는 지각 경험 형성 이후에 처리되므로 지각 경험에 표상되지 않는다. Byeong Deok Lee Title: Which is more fundamental: reasons or reasoning? 초록: Which is more fundamental: reasons or reasoning? The reasons-first view asserts that reasons are more fundamental than reasoning, while the reasoning-first view claims the opposite. In this paper, I argue that neither reasons nor reasoning is more fundamental than the other. In addition, drawing on a Sellarsian social practice theory of justification, I explain why neither reasons nor reasoning is more fundamental. Moreover, I argue that the fact that neither is more fundamental does not pose any serious problem for a Sellarsian social practice of justification, which is a coherence theory of justification. Although we cannot provide a reductive account of reasons and reasoning, we can offer conceptual explications of these concepts. Besides, within our social practice of justification, we can, at least in principle, determine what currently counts as good reasons and good reasoning. Jeonggyu Lee Title: Group Names are Ordinary Names Abstract: This paper deals with the semantics of names for social groups. My primary aim is to argue that social group names, such as “Blackpink” and “Real Madrid,” are ordinary names, such as “Biden” and “Mona Lisa”: like other ordinary names, a social group name directly refers to an object, whatever it may be, and its semantic content is the object itself. I first present some compelling evidence supporting the view that group names are ordinary names. Then, I introduce what I will call extensionalism on social groups, along with extensionalists’ usual strategy for addressing the main objections to their view. This strategy relies on the semantic claim that social group terms, including group names, are flexible role terms, more akin to definite descriptions than ordinary names. I criticize such a strategy by arguing that there is no convincing reason to regard group names as role terms and that the strategy itself rather creates some tension with extensionalism. The lesson, I conclude, is that when we examine the nature of a social group, it is methodologically advisable to use a group name and investigate the object referred to by it. Philolab (Junyeol Kim, Nikolaj Pedersen, SeongSoo Park, Dongyong Choi, Ana Ha), Representative: Junyeol Kim Title: Is the Knowledge that Hesperus is Phosphorus Propositional Knowledge about Venus? Abstract: We develop an argument that the knowledge of identity cannot be propositional knowledge. We start with several assumptions about identity, identity statements, and knowledge ascriptions, which are arguably plausible and seem to be widely accepted by theorists. If these assumptions are true and the knowledge of identity is propositional knowledge, the knowledge of identity is propositional knowledge of a particular type—the type we call ‘nominal objectual propositional knowledge’. Our argument is that the knowledge of identity cannot fall under the category of nominal objectual propositional knowledge. We argue that denying any of the assumptions about identity, identity statements, and knowledge ascriptions is not plausible, and suggest a way to accommodate the idea that the knowledge of identity is non-propositional. -
- 작성일 2024-12-09
- 조회수 99
- The Philosophy Department's 2024 Fall Hiking Event Concludes Successfully
- The 2024 fall hiking event for the Philosophy Department took place on October 26. Participants included Professors Emeriti Han-Gu Lee and Joa-Yong Lee, as well as Professors Byoungdock Lee, Min Seol, Jeonggyu Lee, and Seong Soo Park. In addition, lecturers, 13 graduate students, 15 undergraduate students, and the department staff joined the hike on Bukhansan, enjoying a rich and meaningful time of philosophical exchange. Thanks to everyone's enthusiastic participation, the event concluded successfully.
- 작성일 2024-11-13
- 조회수 161
- Donghoon Lee, Presentation of a Paper at the Southeastern Ethics and Philosophy of Technology Workshop
- Donghoon Lee, currently a Visiting Scholar in the Department of Science, Technology, and Society at Virginia Tech, had his paper, "A Critique of A.I. Politics from Hannah Arendt's Point of View," accepted to the Southeastern Ethics and Philosophy of Technology Workshop, where he presented it on October 19. Congratulations!
- 작성일 2024-11-13
- 조회수 145
- Yoorim In Have Papers Accepted for the APA Pacific Division Meeting
- Yoorim In's paper, "Why This Performance Is a Performance of That Musical Work: Essential Properties of Musical Works," has been accepted for the Colloquium session at the American Philosophical Association Pacific Division Meeting, and is scheduled to be presented at the San Francisco meeting in April 2025. (https://www.apaonline.org/mpage/2025Pacific) The American Philosophical Association (https://www.apaonline.org/) is the most prestigious association in the field of Anglo-American philosophy, with an acceptance rate of approximately 20-25% for conference papers. Congratulations!
- 작성일 2024-10-20
- 조회수 222
- Invitation Lecture by Professor Robert B. Pippin (October 20th) "Hegel, and the Fate of Philosophy"
- Invitation Lecture by Professor Robert B. Pippin Date and Time: October 20, 2024 (Sunday), 11:00 AM Location: Room 31511, Toegye Humanities Hall, Humanities and Social Sciences Campus, Sungkyunkwan University Chair: Han Choong-su (Ewha Womans University) Interpreter: Peter Ha (Kyung Hee University) Lecture Introduction: 하이데거는 자신의 오랜 커리어 동안, 헤겔의 철학이 플라톤과 아리스토텔레스에 의해 시작된 서양철학전통의 완성(Vollendung)이라고 계속 주장했다. 서양철학전통의 중심은 형이상학이고, 이 전통의 가장 기본적인 물음은 “존재로서의 존재의 의미는 무엇인가?”였음에도 불구하고, 실제로 이 물음은 적절히 다뤄져온 적이 없었다; 게다가 이 물음은 “잊혀졌다”. 이 존재망각의 귀결은 서양철학전통의 지속이 결국에는 불가능하다는 것이다. 그 말은 서양철학전통이 헤겔과 함께 막다른 길에서 끝났다는 것이다. 이 강연에서 제기된 질문은 하이데거의 주장이 어떤 장점을 가지는지 가지지 않는지에 대한 것이다. 그의 주장을 제대로 이해한다면, 나는 그의 주장에 장점이 있다고 할 것이다. Speaker Introduction: 로버트 B. 피핀은 시카고 대학교 철학과와 사회사상 위원회의 에블린 스테판슨 네프 명예교수이다. 그는 독일관념론과 후기독일철학에 관한 여러권의 책과 논문을 썼다. 『칸트의 형상이론』 (1982), 『헤겔의 관념주의: 자의식의 만족』 (1989), 『철학적문제로서 모더니즘』 (1991), 『모더니즘으로서 관념주의: 헤겔주의자의 변형들』 (1997) 등이 있다. 최근에는 『완성: 하이데거, 독일관념론 그리고 철학의 운명』을 출간했다. Hosted by: Sungkyunkwan University Department of Philosophy and the Korean Heidegger Society We look forward to your attendance. Thank you.
- 작성일 2024-10-20
- 조회수 179
- Jungkyun Kim Selected for the Doctoral Student Research Fellowship by the National Research Foundation of Korea
- Jungkyun Kim's research project, "A Contextual Approach to Negative Existential Statements," has been selected for the Doctoral Student Research Fellowship (Humanities and Social Sciences) by the National Research Foundation of Korea. Over the next two years, he will receive a total of 40 million KRW in research funding to carry out the project. Congratulations!
- 작성일 2024-10-20
- 조회수 197
- 19th Korean Society for Analytic Philosophy Graduate Student Division Workshop (August 23)
- We are pleased to announce the detailed schedule for the 19th Korean Society for Analytic Philosophy Graduate Student Division Workshop, as follows: Date: Friday, August 23, 2024, 13:00 ~ 18:30 (Opening Ceremony at 12:55 PM) Venue: Room 31609, Toegye Humanities Hall, Sungkyunkwan University Humanities and Social Sciences Campus Keynote Speaker: Dr. Kihyuk Nam (Underwood International College, Yonsei University / PhD in Philosophy, UMass / Research Areas: Metaphysics, Meta-metaphysics) This workshop will feature a keynote speech by Dr. Ki-Hyuk Nam from Underwood International College at Yonsei University, followed by presentations from four graduate students. Due to the high number of applicants this year, we have invited more presenters than usual to give as many participants as possible the opportunity to present. We appreciate your continued interest and support. Detailed Schedule and Abstracts: Opening: 12:55 PM ~ 13:00 PM Presentation 1: Wonjae Ha (PhD in Philosophy, Yonsei University) / 13:00-13:50 (30-minute presentation, 20-minute Q&A) Title: 존재론들을 표상하기: 규약주의 이차원 양상 모형 Abstract: 어떠한 언어가 어떤 논쟁을 충분히 다룰 수 있으려면, 그 언어는 그 논쟁을 다루기 위한 논리적 구문론 및 이에 상응하는 적절한 표상적 장치를 갖고 있어야 한다. 그렇다면 존재론적 논쟁은 어떤 언어를 통해 다루어짐이 마땅한가? 이 발표에서, 나는 존재론어가 바로 그 언어라는 관점인 ‘보수주의적’ 관점에 의문을 제기하며, 그 대안으로 규약주의 이차원 모형을 갖는 새로운 언어를 제안한다. 발표에서는 이 언어가 갖는 모형의 형식적 특성 및 이에 대한 철학적 해석이 논해질 것이다. Presentation 2: Kyunggeun Lee (Master's in Philosophy, Yonsei University) / 13:50-14:40 (30-minute presentation, 20-minute Q&A) Title: "Everything. Everywhere. All at once?" Abstract: Absolute generality concerns an ultimately general sense of Everything. It’s hard to deny that such a statement quantifying over absolutely everything appears effable in English. However, the consequence of accepting such a statement is disastrous inconsistency. Common responses ban absolute generality for its absurdity, but the ban itself seems opaque and contradictory. This paper proposes a semantic solution to censor absolute generality, explaining how understanding truth in terms of models aligns with ordinary English semantics and resolves the paradox. Break: 14:40 ~ 15:00 (20 minutes) Presentation 3: Dongjun Lee (Master's in Philosophy, Seoul National University) / 15:00-15:50 (30-minute presentation, 20-minute Q&A) Title: 정말로 위선자의 비난을 일축할 수 있는가? – Snedegar에 반대하여. Abstract: 자신이 비난하려는 잘못을 자신도 저지른 위선자(hypocrite)에게는 비난할 자격이 없으며, 그렇기 때문에 이런 위선자의 비난을 일축할(dismiss) 수 있다는 생각은 일반적으로 받아들여진다. 그런데 위선자의 비난을 일축한다는 것은 정확히 어떤 행위를 하고 있는 것인가? Snedegar(2024)는 비난에는 비난자를 향해 자책감(remorse)을 표현하라는 이인칭적 요구가 포함되어 있으며, 위선자의 비난을 정당하게 일축할 수 있다는 것은 바로 이러한 요구를 정당하게 일축할 수 있다는 것이라고 설명한다. 이 글은 Snedegar의 설명을 받아들이면 우리의 비난 관행을 적절하게 이해할 수 없음을 사례를 들어 보이고, 더 나아가 비난에 비난자를 향한 어떠한 이인칭적 요구도 포함되어 있지 않음을 보일 것이다. 위선자의 비난에서 정당하게 일축할 수 있는 요구는 반드시 비난자를 향한 이인칭적 요구여야 하기 때문에, 우리가 정당하게 일축할 수 있는 어떠한 요구도 위선자의 비난에 포함되어 있지 않다. 결론적으로 이 글은 위선자의 비난을 정당하게 일축할 수 없다는 결론을 받아들이는 것이 합리적이라고 주장한다. Presentation 4: Seonjoong Kim (PhD in Philosophy, FSU) / 15:50-16:40 (30-minute presentation, 20-minute Q&A) Title: "Kantian Constructivist Answer to the Dilemma Imposed by Evolutionary Debunking Arguments" Abstract: Evolutionary Debunking Arguments (EDAs) challenge moral realism by noting that our moral beliefs are shaped by evolution. This paper examines whether Kantian constructivism, as defended by Korsgaard, can avoid the dilemma faced by moral realists, arguing that moral judgment procedures are instances of self-legislation rather than accidental evolutionary products. Break: 16:40 ~ 17:00 (20 minutes) Keynote Speech: Dr. Ki-Hyuk Nam (Underwood International College, Yonsei University, PhD in Philosophy, UMass) / 17:00-18:30 (60-minute presentation, 30-minute Q&A) Title: 허용주의와 비근본적 존재자들 Abstract: 흔히 비근본적 존재자는 이론 평가에 실질적인 영향이 없을 정도로 존재론적 부담이 없다고 회자된다. 이런 일반적인 태도를 ‘비근본적 존재자에 대한 허용주의’, 줄여서 ‘비근본성-허용주의’라 부르자. 다른 한편으로, 비근본적 존재자는 그 형이상학적 근거들 (grounds)와 수적으로 구별된다고 이해하는 이들이 많다. 비근본적 존재자에 대한 이런 이해방식으로 ‘DISTINCT’라 하자. 본 발표는 비근본성-허용주의가 일반적으로 이해되는 방식과 DISTINCT가 긴장관계에 있다고 주장한다. 본 발표에서는 비근본성-허용주의에 대한 가장 특기할만한 방어전략을 소개하고, 이 전략이 DISTINCT와 어떤 면에서 상충하는지 설명하고자 한다. 이 논의를 통해 본인은 보다 약한 허용주의 논제를 발전시킨 후, 이 논제가 보다 일반적인 메타-형이상학적 맥락에서 갖는 의의를 설명하고자 한다. Closing: 18:30 ~ 18:35
- 작성일 2024-10-17
- 조회수 226
- Yoorim In, Paper Accepted at the American Philosophical Association Central Division Meeting
- Yurim In's (Master's student) paper, titled "Musical Revision as Fission," has been accepted for presentation in the Colloquium session at the American Philosophical Association Central Division Meeting, scheduled for February 2025. The American Philosophical Association (https://www.apaonline.org/) is the most prestigious association in the American philosophical community, with an acceptance rate for presentation papers of approximately 20-25%. Congratulations!
- 작성일 2024-10-17
- 조회수 147
- Jungkyun Kim Wins Encouragement Award at SKKU Research Matters+
- We are pleased to announce the award results for the Philosophy Department at the Graduate Research Achievement Competition+ hosted by Sungkyunkwan University. Jungkyun Kim received the Encouragement Award (1 million KRW) for his work titled "Ethics for the Unborn: A Critique of Anti-Natalism." Congratulations!
- 작성일 2024-10-17
- 조회수 113