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For more details on the courses, please refer to the Course Catalog

Code Course Title Credit Learning Time Division Degree Grade Note Language Availability
DKL4036 Special Lecture on Academic Writing for Korean Literature Studies 3 6 Major Bachelor/Master Korean Language and Literature Korean Yes
This class provides graduate students and high level undergraduate students of Korean literature and culture with formal instruction in the genres and mechanics of academic writing at the graduate and professorial level. Through readings, discussion, and peer editing and advices, students will develop writing necessary for their success as graduate students and future faculty.
DKL4037 Cultural Study on Game and Virtual World 3 6 Major Bachelor/Master 1-4 Korean Language and Literature - No
This subject aims to acquire critical access to digital games and virtual worlds through reading, discussion, criticism, and writing, which have begun to exert influence throughout daily life as a medium, content, and methodology today. However, the implications of accepting virtual space as an extension of reality are very complex, and the context is also crossing each speaker. The new time and space created by digital media is sometimes mentioned as a space for equal communication that enables the realization of direct democracy, or is understood as a new exploitation of platform capitalism. Understanding the game and the virtual world can be achieved through extensive exploration and critical review of these various positions. And based on this understanding, we will deal with ways to lead understanding to practice through speaking and writing that can create practical suggestions for real games and problems in the virtual world. Classes consist of seminars that formally read texts dealing with digital games and virtual spaces and sublimate them into discussions and writing. The contents of the seminar are largely composed of three topics: 1) Understanding the establishment and development of digital games 2) Discussions on cyberspace 3) Problems of games in today's flow leading to blockchain, metabus, NFT, and P2E.
DKL4038 Seminar on writing critical essay of Korean literature and culture 3 6 Major Bachelor/Master 1-4 Korean Language and Literature - No
This is a course to review masterpieces of Korean criticism and to write a critical essay on contemporary controversial works or cultural phenomena. Through this seminar series, we examine the possibility of intellectuals' social intervention through critique on issues of contemporary literature and culture. If necessary, we provide training in academic thesis writing along with training in critical writing.
DKL4085 Studies on Korean Modern Poets 3 6 Major Bachelor/Master 1-4 Korean Language and Literature Korean Yes
This course studies poets who occupy an important position in the history of modern Korean literature. The subjects of study range from poets during the formation of modern poetry to poets of the recent era. The poet's life, his work, and his poetry are approached through various methodologies. It also reviews the research history of poet research. Understanding the poet's ideological world, aesthetic characteristics, and methods, and researching related aspects of poets and times. Through this, the ability to understand individual poets, grasp the significance of poetry history, and study poetry and the way of existence of poets is cultivated.
DKL4086 A Study on Translation and World Literature 3 6 Major Bachelor/Master Korean Language and Literature - No
This course aims to systematically study the theory of modern translation and history of world literature. This course studies the relation of translation and world literature, the role and mission of translator, the attitude and method of literary translation, the history and literary characteristics of Korean modern literature in translation.
DKL4087 A Study on the History of Korean Classical Literature 3 6 Major Bachelor/Master Korean Language and Literature - No
It systematically grasps the historical development process of Korean classical literature from ancient Korea to the modern transition period. In particular, it explores the relationship between different writing methods such as oral literature, Korean literature, and Korean Chinese literature. In addition, it also pays attention to the competition, conflict, or fusion of external and internal elements in the historical development of Korean classical literature. Through this, historical awareness and insight are deepened.
DKL4088 A Study on the Works of Korean Classical Poetry 3 6 Major Bachelor/Master Korean Language and Literature - No
This course aims to deeply study works that occupy an important position in the diachronic flow of Korean classical poetry. By comprehensively analyzing poetry works in the context of the cultural history of the time, students can explore methodological expansion of literary research and find the possibilities of interpreting them in various ways.
DKL4089 A Study on the Works of Korean Chinese Literature 3 6 Major Bachelor/Master Korean Language and Literature - No
It systematically analyzes major works created in Chinese characters from the Three Kingdoms period to the late Joseon Dynasty. It interprets and criticizes the core works of artists representing each era, including Choi Chi-won, Lee Kyu-bo, Kim Si-seup, Heo Gyun, and Park Ji-won. In addition, it explores the works of unique artists such as Jung Ji-sang, Lee Ok, and Lee Eon-jin. Through this, the aesthetic value, literary historical significance, and present meaning of Korean Chinese literature works are explained.
ERP4001 Creative Group Study 3 6 Major Bachelor/Master - No
This course cultivates and supports research partnerships between our undergraduates and faculty. It offers the chance to work on cutting edge research—whether you join established research projects or pursue your own ideas. Undergraduates participate in each phase of standard research activity: developing research plans, writing proposals, conducting research, analyzing data and presenting research results in oral and written form. Projects can last for an entire semester, and many continue for a year or more. SKKU students use their CGS(Creative Group Study) experiences to become familiar with the faculty, learn about potential majors, and investigate areas of interest. They gain practical skills and knowledge they eventually apply to careers after graduation or as graduate students.
GCC2009 Textuality and Contextuality of Korean Webtoons 3 6 Major Bachelor 2-4 Studies of Glocal-Cultural Contents Korean Yes
The wisdom and social consciousness that concerns about society are being poured in webtoons. Webtoons of various genres clearly show the structure of daily lives’ emotions and consciousness, political consciousness, gender and sexuality of the young generation. This course is a course to contemplate and discuss every aspect of 'Webtoon', which includes understanding the social culture, text, and context of the webtoon, meaning of the webtoon in cultural history, platform and sensibility of production and acceptance of the webtoon.
GCC2011 Storytelling & Cultural Contents of Korean Classic 3 6 Major Bachelor 2-3 Studies of Glocal-Cultural Contents - No
Classics are the eternal treasure trove of contemporary cultural contents.It is easy to convince if you think of the movies based on classic such as and , or the Hallyu dramas based on classic ranging from to . In addition, in almost all areas of culture, such as games, webtoons, and popular music, you can meet any number of success stories of Hallyu and contents with classical motifs. The purpose of this class is to analyze examples of modern storytelling of various Korean classics and develop them as cultural contents, and to explore new objects and methods. Therefore, students of this course will learn how to develop a new cultural content by applying modern narrative techniques and cultural styles while cultivating an eye for discovering appropriate objects from the history, characters, thoughts, literature, and arts of the classics.
GCC2013 Exploring Anime and Glocal culture 3 6 Major Bachelor 1-2 Studies of Glocal-Cultural Contents Korean Yes
Media acceptance has reached a transitional stage, as video content is no longer watched for the sake of watching, but for the sake of being informed by the narrative. In this situation, the rise of animation is a remarkable event. The aim of this course is to analyse animated works from the point of view of their medial form of expression, taking into account multiple perspectives such as the technology of re-marketing that makes them possible, the reproduction of characters, including content tourism, and the socio-cultural process of expression and reception. The texts studied in class will be prioritised for their ability to generate diverse discussions, but will also take into account contemporary trends in popularity. The first half of the class will be devoted to an overview of theories relating to anime and subcultures and an appreciation of key texts to which they are applied, while the second half will be devoted to participatory textual criticism and discussion. The final aim is to produce a critical essay based on the texts.
GCC2014 Glocal Cultural Politics and Korean Wave 3 6 Major Bachelor 1-2 Studies of Glocal-Cultural Contents Korean Yes
is a course to develop perspectives and ideas for living as a 'global citizen' by understanding the cultural and political situation of Korea, which has become a 'multicultural and multiracial country' with more than 5% foreign residents. We will examine various aspects of identity and life shaped by transnational politics and industry, including situations such as overseas study, tourism, migrant labour, immigration, and international marriage. The course also aims to understand the Korean Wave, which is an important component of global popular culture today and is changing Korean cultural nationalism and image geography. The Korean Wave is a multilayered and hybrid cultural phenomenon that ranges over dramas, K-pop, films, games, foods, and others. Understanding the cultural and political role of the Korean Wave is necessary to better understand and communicate with ourselves and the world. In particular, this course will actively engage students in expressing and sharing their own experiences, as well as engaging with individuals working in the field of Korean Wave and global culture.
GCC3011 Planning & Creative Writing the Broadcast Content 3 6 Major Bachelor 3-4 Studies of Glocal-Cultural Contents Korean Yes
This course is for the planning and creative process of the content of television drama , the most influential cultural content currently popular in Korea, to practice and explore the key information. Television drama is the public desire and needs and contemporary trends in society and be able to read such a medium of cultural communication, to read the signs of the times. Therefore, it is vulgar entertainment or as a simple consuming goods, rather than to develop a better society for the formation should be recognized as cultural content to go. In this course, in this view, the current production being broadcast on the TV program will attempt to analyze, as well as better planning for the production of drama and creative experience of the actual process will look. In this course you will learn specifically, the material excavated and planning, character creation, plot construction, the creation of prints and metabolism, and various dramaturgy etc. Ultimately planning and writing the more creative and attractive drama have a positive impact on individuals and society can contribute to the production of meaningful content will allow.
GCC3018 Game and Reality 3 6 Major Bachelor 3-4 Studies of Glocal-Cultural Contents Korean Yes
This course examines the relationship between digital games and reality, including 'socialization of games' and 'gamification' of the society. We understand game as a global cultural phenomenon and a core industry from the viewpoint of cultural studies, and explore the depths of the game and reality surrounding it. This course will focus on the textual issues of games, including game narratives and genres, as well as the problems of the realities surrounding the game.