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학수번호 교과목명 학점 자기
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비고 언어 개설
ISS3182 Strategic Management 3 6 전공 학사 국제하계대학 Yes
This course is designed to develop skills needed for analyzing a strategic problem to arrive at a strategic managerial decision about it after synthesizing all the relevant information. Specifically, one of the objectives of this course is to learn how to apply basic concepts of game theory to address strategic issues faced by businesses. Strategic managerial decisions by a manager are not static and cannot be made in isolation. Instead, a manager must account for the expected strategic actions and reactions of rival firms, subordinates, and superiors, etc., to his/her directives and proposals. Game theory is a powerful tool for examining strategic interactions among multiple players in a real business world.
ISS3198 Artificial Intelligence 3 6 전공 학사 국제하계대학 Yes
This course aims to teach the fundamentals of artificial intelligence starting with the concepts of intelligence, rationality and intelligent agents. Next, it will probe into problem solving, introducing the notion of search by drawing examples from puzzles and games amongst others. Then, the basics of knowledge representation and reasoning, such as logic and planning will be explored. Machine learning, a fast growing subfield of A.I. will also be covered focusing on technologies and real-world applications such as games, biomedical applications, social networks and smart technologies. Further topics (time-permitting) include the impact of major A.I. areas such as robotics and computer vision, natural language and speech processing in our society today. This is an introductory course and would be suitable for anyone interested to delve deeper into A.I. in the near future. Students will be given assignments that do not require any programming.
ISS3213 International Business and Management 3 6 전공 학사 1-4 국제하계대학 Yes
This is a sophomore- or junior-level undergraduate course in international business (IB) strategy, with a focus on the foundations of global corporate success of large multinational enterprises (MNEs). The course has three main goals. First, it provides a critical overview of the most influential international business strategy literature with a focus on both conceptual and managerial insights. This overview should help undergraduate students obtain a better understanding of the complexity and the challenges associated with managing a large multinational network. Second, it aims to prepare undergraduate students for a professional career in an MNE by focusing primarily on the dynamic components of international business strategy and the change processes associated with such strategy. Third, the course aims to develop some practical communication skills, namely through preparing and making case presentations. In-depth understanding of the main sources of MNEs’ global corporate success is indispensable for further understanding the critical roles of MNEs as the most significant catalysts for innovation through collaboration in the world market. The course consists of twenty six formal sessions held over a period of four weeks (block course format) as shown in the general course outline, followed by the possibility to interact with the instructor on case analysis presentations. During the formal sessions, there will be a mix of presentations by the instructor (this should cove
ISS3216 Principles of Finance 3 6 전공 학사 국제하계대학 Yes
This course provides an introduction to the fundamental concepts and techniques of finance and might be subtitled “what every business major needs to know about finance.” It is designed to provide students a foundation with regard to the key concepts from each of three major areas of finance — investments, financial markets and corporate or managerial finance. In the class, we will discuss issues relating to the financial markets, the time value of money, financing, valuation, investments and other topics.
ISS3217 Business Analytics 3 6 전공 학사 1-4 국제하계대학 Yes
This course will provide students with an introduction to business analytics. This course will change the way you think about data and its role in business. We will examine how data analysis technologies can be used to improve decision-making. We will study the fundamental principles and techniques of business analytics, and will examine real-world examples and cases to place datamining techniques in context and to develop business analytic thinking.
ISS3219 Digital Marketing 3 6 전공 학사 국제하계대학 Yes
The goal of this course is to provide insights on how modern industry is adopting new emerging media and technologies as marketing tools. In a digital sphere, modern consumers go through the stages of awareness, intent, conversion and finally retention. The course will focus on how digital media have revolutionized the interactions between firms and consumers along this journey. New technologies offer powerful tools to reach consumers along the funnel: online display ads raise awareness, search listings reach consumers with intent, e-commerce facilitate conversion, and social medial both energizes and retains customers.
ISS3222 Introduction to Machine Learning 3 6 전공 학사 국제하계대학 Yes
Covers fundamental concepts for intelligent systems that autonomously learn to perform a task and improve with experience, including problem formulations (e.g., selecting input features and outputs) and learning frameworks (e.g., supervised vs. unsupervised), standard models, methods, computational tools, algorithms and modern techniques, as well as methodologies to evaluate learning ability and to automatically select optimal models. Applications to areas such as computer vision (e.g., characte r and digit recognition), natural language processing (e.g., spam filtering) and robotics (e.g., navigating complex environments) will motivate the coursework and material.
ISS3233 Statistics in Python 3 6 전공 학사 1-4 국제하계대학 Yes
This course will cover elementary topics in statistics using Python. The statistics topics include principles of sampling, descriptive statistics, binomial and normal distributions, sampling distributions, point and confidence interval estimation, hypothesis testing, two sample inference, linear regression, and categorical data analysis. Using Python, students will learn basic knowledge in Python programming, data management, data formats and types, statistical graphics and exploratory data analysis, and basic functions for statistical modeling and inference.
ISS3273 The Present and Future of International Trade 3 6 전공 학사 1-4 국제하계대학 Yes
A principle analysis of the pure theory of international trade. This course willinclude selected topics such as gains from trade, theories of comparative advantage, production and consumption in the model of international trade, effects of international trade on the factors of production, growth and welfare aspects of trade, trade policies, and economic unions.
ISS3275 Psychology of Fintech 3 6 전공 학사 1-4 국제하계대학 Yes
Fintech has become mainstream areas in finance. As opposed to neoclassical finance, behavioral finance accepts the fact that markets are not efficient and the CEOs are psychologically biased. Technological development such as Big Data and Machine Learning enabled the researchers to measure the psycholocal biases of the CEOs and the sentiments of the market participants, which turned out to be the key elements in FinTech such as Robo-Analyst and algorithmic trading. Students will learn about Blockchain and the bubble in bitcoin markets; financial bubbles; sentiments in the market and algorithmic trading; and psychological biases of the CEO and corporate financial decisions.
ISS3286 The Foundations of Entrepreneurship 3 6 전공 학사 국제하계대학 Yes
This class is an introductory course intended to provide students with a solid foundation in terms of the vital role played by entrepreneurs and entrepreneurship in the 21st century global economy. Entrepreneurship is approached as a way of thinking and acting, as an attitude and a behavior. Our emphasis is on entrepreneurship as a manageable process that can be applied in virtually any organizational setting. Our principal focus will be on the creation of new ventures, the ways that they come into being, and factors associated with their success.
ISS3287 Understanding Game Theory 3 6 전공 학사 국제하계대학 Yes
This course is intended to familiarize economics majors with game theory and its applications. It first considers how to set up and solve games. It then considers topics such as strategic entry deterrence, strategic choice of managerial incentives, games between a principal and an agent, auctions, bargaining, strategic trade policy, public goods, and club goods.
ISS3290 Introduction to Big Data Analysis 3 6 전공 학사 국제하계대학 Yes
Understand the genesis of Big Data Systems • Understand practical knowledge of Big Data Analysis using Hive, Pig, Sqoop • Provide the student with a detailed understanding of effective behavioral and technical techniques in Cloud Computing on Big Data • Demonstrate knowledge of Big Data in industry and its Architecture • Learn data analysis, modeling and visualization in Big Data systems
ISS3291 Investments 3 6 전공 학사 1-4 국제하계대학 Yes
This course is an introductory investment course that focuses on practical applications of modern portfolio theories. Students who want to start a career as investment professionals or who want to improve their decision-making as individual investors will find this course very useful. The course provides basic knowledge about financial markets, valuation of stocks and bonds, and portfolio management. We will explore modern portfolio theories, empirical behavior of security prices, market efficiency, stock and bond portfolio management, derivative securities, and performance evaluation. We will also try mock trading of ETFs to get the feel for actual investments in the real world.
PAD2001 정책학원론 3 6 전공 학사 2-3 행정학과 Yes
정책학의 기초이론과 기법을 폭넓게 연구하고 이들을 실제의 정책형성, 집행 및 평가에 적용하는 능력을 함양한다.
PHL3027 문화철학 3 6 전공 학사 3-4 철학과 Yes
인간 문화의 기원, 구조, 그리고 발전에 관한 철학적 탐구. 인간 문화에 관한 존재론적, 인식론적 그리고 윤리적 문제들을 검토하고 그것의 총체적 그림을 얻고자 한다.
PSD2022 국제정치론 3 6 전공 학사 2-3 정치외교학과 Yes
국제정치학의 주요 이론과 국제관계의 주요 쟁점을 탐구하는 과목이다. 현실주의, 자유주의, 구성주의, 마르크스주의 등의 거대담론을 시작으로 해서 세부 주제에 관한 다양한 국제정치이론들을 습득한다. 나아가 전쟁과 평화, 민족주의와 민족분쟁, 국제질서의 변동, 국제정치에서의 윤리와 외교적 수단 등에 관한 쟁점들을 공부한다. 교재와 자료조사를 통해 역사적, 이론적, 규범적 논거들을 검토한다.
TRA4032 일본무역투자론 3 6 전공 학사/석사 1-4 무역학과 - No
글로벌 무역과 투자를 국가경제의 발전 수단으로 삼아온 한국은 주변국가와 시장에 대한 적극적 이해와 학습을 통해 성공적인 경제 발전을 가능하게 할 수 있다. 그중 중요국가인 이웃나라 일본에 대해 정치, 경제, 기업, 사회, 문화, 법제 그리고 무역과 투자에 대해 학습할 필요가 있다. 이 과목에서는 일본의 이모저모와 한국과 일본간 무역과 투자 현황과 다양한 이슈에 대해 학습한다.