About CAMPUS Asia Program (Law and Political Science Project Group)
“Training Human Resources for the Development of an Epistemic Community in Law and Political Science to Promote the Formation of “jus commune” in East Asia“
This project is aimed at discovering the Western “global standards of law”, and on that basis, promoting human resources for the development of an epistemic community in law and political science, where participants can discuss and exchange ideas about the formation of “jus commune” in East Asia. The universities will jointly continue mutual exchange programs based on reciprocal conference of academic credits to undergraduate/graduated students, by ‘Letter of Intent for Cooperation’ that organizes an academic network between Korea·China·Japan.
Members of this cooperation are Sungkyunkwan University (Law School)·Seoul National University (School of Law/College of Law) of Korea, Nagoya University (Graduate School of Law and School of Law) of Japan, Renmin University (Law School)·Tsinghua University (Law School)·Shanghai Jiao Tong University (KoGuan Law School) of China.
It is expected that the project will promote the development of a new type of globally active human resources in the fields of law and political science. Beneficiaries will be able to develop necessary knowledge in the law and politics of the three countries, and are expected to constitute the main moving force for future development of an epistemic community of experts and professionals, to serve as public servants, entrepreneurs, legal professionals or scholars, who will be indispensable for the future formation of “jus commune” in East Asia.
Since 2016 (a total of five years after the start of a pilot project that began in 2012), the number of short-term and regular semester students who participated totals more than 100 and will increase by more than 50~70 students by 2020.
Since the second semester of 2012, the beginning of the campus Asia exchange program, Korea (SKKU&SNU) has dispatched a total of 52 students to China and Japan, and invited 45 students to their regular exchange program. If the International Summer school programs are held 2-3 times more often at Nagoya University, the number of SKKU students participating will be much greater than 100 people. In recognition of these achievements of student exchanges, our program is expected to be guaranteed as a regular project between 2016 to 2020.
- ‘10 Held a symposium for the development of the Campus Asia Program (Nagoya Univ. Japan)
- ‘12 ~‘13 Established KR․JP․CN QA Council and detailed program
- ‘12 Made international language classes for each university, and sent a first term student for the new pilot program
- ‘13 Supported language programs at each University and sent second term students
- ‘14 Held the three-party QA council (‘14.7.23., Renmin Univ. CN) and first meeting of the dean (‘14.12.14. SKKU)
- ‘14.2 Held first Student Symposium (SKKU) and dispatched 3rd term students
- ‘14.9. Held special lecture of AIKYO MASANORI Vice President of Nagoya Univ. in SKKU (‘14.9.23.)
- ‘15.2. The second annual Student Symposium in Korea (SKKU) and dispatched half of 3rd term students
- ‘15.2. Held the three-party QA council and Dean meeting to make dual & multiple degree program partnerships (‘15.2.8.) The second annual Student Symposium in Japan (seminar of Common Law in East Asia, Nagoya)
- ‘15.9. Dispatched 4th term students
- ‘15.10. Held special lecture of Nobuo Takeuchi Professor of TOKYO Univ. in SKKU (‘15.10.12.)
- ‘16.2. Held the annual three-party QA council and Dean meeting (in Nagoya,‘16.2.24), sent 5th term students
- ‘16.3. End of pilot program of campus Asia and selected as the regular business group for the next 5 years
- ‘16.12. Held the three-party QA council (SKKU, ‘16.12.8) and participated in a Forum by the 3 countries’ Presidents
- ‘17.3. Dispatched 5-2th term students
- ‘17.3. Held the 4th annual Student Symposium(Nagoya Univ. Japan) Open common class for CAMPUS Asia's graduated school students(Eas Asian Comparative Law I · II)