2022-2nd Semester Registration Guideline for Current Students
- 법학전문대학원행정실/
- 2022-08-01
[2022-2nd Semester Registration Guideline for Current Students]
1. Registration schedule
A. Regular Registration
- 2022. 08. 19.(Fri) ~ 08. 25.(Thur), OR 2022. 08. 29.(Mon) ~ 09. 06.(Tues)
B. Tuition Payment by Installments
- Period of Application: 2022. 08. 15.(Mon) ~ 08. 17.(Wed)
▷ GLS- Registration management- Apply for installment (choose either 2 or 4 times)
- 1st: 2022. 08. 19.(Fri) ~ 08. 25.(Thur), OR 2022. 08. 29.(Mon) ~ 09. 06.(Tues)
- 2nd: 2022. 09. 22.(Thus) ~ 09. 26.(Mon)
- 3rd: 2022. 10. 17.(Mon) ~ 10. 19.(Wed)
- 4th: 2022. 11. 07.(Mon) ~ 11. 09.(Wed)
C. Register for additional semester
- 2022. 09. 08.(Thur) ~ 09. 13.(Tues)
- Fee : Fee is automatically deducted by calculating number of credits
- Payment : Print the bill on GLS from 2022. 09. 08.(Thur) and make an virtual account payment before the deadline to register for the additional semester
2. Tuition Bill Printout
A. Available from 2022. 08. 08.(Mon)
B. Login on Homepage - GLS - Academics - Tuition - Print tuition bill
※ Student registering in additional semester can print after 2022. 09. 08.(Thur)
※ You can not print the bill after the payment.
3. Tuition Payment Procedure
A. Regular Registration
1) Virtual Account Payment : Woori Bank Virtual Account (Available during : 09:00 ~ 17:00)
2) Payment at Bank Branch : Within the bank’s hours of operation
3) Woori Credit Card : Woori Card Homepage, Woori Bank branches, Woori Card Call Center (1544-9797)
4) Electronic Banking Service : Woori Bank Homepage Utility Fee(Academic Registration Fee) Menu
※ If you wish to pay for optional fees (e.g. student council fee), you must add the fee to the registration fee and pay at once.
4. Confirming the payment
You may print out certificate of registration and certificate of payment at http://icert.skku.edu
**Please check the attached file for details.