Inspiring Future, Grand Challenge

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For more details on the courses, please refer to the Course Catalog

Code Course Title Credit Learning Time Division Degree Grade Note Language Availability
CHS2009 Creative Ideation 2 4 Major Bachelor 1-4 Challenge Semester - No
Most people think that creativity is closely related to something new, unique and original. But we have no idea how to do if we actually think up creative ideas, which has never been existed, on our own. Let's take note of the well-known old saying, there is nothing new under the sun. We should change our perspective on creativity. There is common and distinct patterns in those things considered to be creative. This course introduce the common patterns of creative ideation with a lot of examples. Major topics include systematic inventive thinking, creative ideation codes, biomimicry, creativity in culture and arts.
CHS7002 Machine Learning and Deep Learning 3 6 Major Bachelor/Master/Doctor Challenge Semester - No
This course covers the basic machine learning algorithms and practices. The algorithms in the lectures include linear classification, linear regression, decision trees, support vector machines, multilayer perceptrons, and convolutional neural networks, and related python pratices are also provided. It is expected for students to have basic knowledge on calculus, linear algebra, probability and statistics, and python literacy.
CHS7003 Artificial Intelligence Application 3 6 Major Bachelor/Master/Doctor Challenge Semester - No
Cs231n, an open course at Stanford University, is one of the most popular open courses on image recognition and deep learning. This class uses the MOOC content which is cs231n of Stanford University with a flipped class way.  This class requires basic undergraduate knowledge of mathematics (linear algebra, calculus, probability/statistics) and basic Python-based coding skills. The specific progress and activities of the class are as follows. 1) Listening to On-line Lectures (led by learners) 2) On-line lecture (English) Organize individual notes about what you listen to 3) On-line lecture (English) QnA discussion about what was listened to (learned by the learner) 4) QnA-based Instructor-led Off-line Lecture (Korean) Lecturer 5) Team Supplementary Presentation (Learner-led)   For each topic, learn using the above mentioned steps from 1) to 5). The grades are absolute based on each activity, assignment, midterm exam and final project.   Class contents are as follows. - Introduction Image Classification Loss Function & Optimization (Assignment # 1) - Introduction to Neural Networks - Convolutional Neural Networks (Assignment # 2) - Training Neural Networks - Deep Learning Hardware and Software - CNN Architectures-Recurrent Neural Networks (Assignment # 3) - Detection and Segmentation - Generative Models - Visualizing and Understanding - Deep Reinforcement Learning - Final Project.   This class will cover the deep learning method related to image recognitio
CHS7004 Thesis writing in humanities and social sciences using Python 3 6 Major Bachelor/Master/Doctor Challenge Semester - No
This course is to write a thesis in humanities and social science field using Python. This course is for writing thesis using big data for research in the humanities and social sciences. Basically, students will learn how to write a thesis, and implement a program in Python as a research methodology for thesis. Students will learn how to write thesis using Python, which is the most suitable for processing humanities and social science related materials among programming languages ​​and has excellent data visualization. Basic research methodology for thesis writing will be covered first as theoretical lectures. Methodology for selection of topics will be discussed also. Once a topic is selected, a lecture on how to organize related research will be conducted. In the next step, students learn how to write necessary content according to the research methodology. Then how to suggest further discussion along with how to organize bibliography to complete a theoretical approach. The basic Python grammar is covered for data analysis using Python, and the process for input data processing is conducted. After learning how to install and use the required Python package in each research field, the actual data processing will be practiced. To prepare for the joint research, learn how to use the jupyter notebook as the basic environment. Learn how to use matplolib for data visualization and how to use pandas for big data processing.
CON3032 Consumer Big Data Analysis 3 6 Major Bachelor 2-4 Consumer Science Korean Yes
Introduction to machine learning for consumer science. This course covers foundational concepts in machine learning such as overfitting, cross validation, and bias-variance tradeoff, and application of machine learning algorithms to consumer big data analysis.
ECO2003 Microeconomics 3 6 Major Bachelor 2-3 Economics Korean,English,Korean Yes
A detailed examination of micro aspects of economic theory at the intermediate level. Topics discussed are theories of consumer behavior and demand, productionand cost, organization of the firm and the market, distribution of factor income, general equilibrium, economic welfare and other current microeconomic issues.
EPN3001 Community Problems and Start-up 3 6 Major Bachelor 2-3 Entrepreneurship & Innovation Korean Yes
This class aims to facilitate students’ capacity to analyze community problems and develop start-up topics and model based on community. In particular, this class consists of definition of community problems, analysis of community capacity, development of start-up for solving community problems, and implement of start-up based on community. This class has expectations as follows: 1. Students learn how to analyze community problems. 2. Students learn how to develop community-based start-up. 3. Students learn how to combine community capacity and start-up. 4. Students leanr how to realize ideas of community start-up into community.
ERP4001 Creative Group Study 3 6 Major Bachelor/Master - No
This course cultivates and supports research partnerships between our undergraduates and faculty. It offers the chance to work on cutting edge research—whether you join established research projects or pursue your own ideas. Undergraduates participate in each phase of standard research activity: developing research plans, writing proposals, conducting research, analyzing data and presenting research results in oral and written form. Projects can last for an entire semester, and many continue for a year or more. SKKU students use their CGS(Creative Group Study) experiences to become familiar with the faculty, learn about potential majors, and investigate areas of interest. They gain practical skills and knowledge they eventually apply to careers after graduation or as graduate students.
ISS3234 Introduction to Social Problems 3 6 Major Bachelor 1-4 - No
This course discusses various social problems in society, examines factors associated with these problems, and explores possible solutions. The course are organized into three main parts: 1) understand social problems from multiple perspectives, 2) brainstorm possible solutions to address social problems, 3) explore possible ways to conduct a research project. In order to achieve these leaning objectives, the course will meet daily as a seminar, along with class activities in which each member will have opportunities for contributing to the purpose of each session through prepared, active participation.
ISS3286 The Foundations of Entrepreneurship 3 6 Major Bachelor - No
This class is an introductory course intended to provide students with a solid foundation in terms of the vital role played by entrepreneurs and entrepreneurship in the 21st century global economy. Entrepreneurship is approached as a way of thinking and acting, as an attitude and a behavior. Our emphasis is on entrepreneurship as a manageable process that can be applied in virtually any organizational setting. Our principal focus will be on the creation of new ventures, the ways that they come into being, and factors associated with their success.
PRS2001 Collaborative Governance: Searching for the Possibility of New Way of Social-Coordination 3 6 Major Bachelor Population Change and Resilience Societies - No
This course starts with the basic assumption that social problems can be more efficiently solved autonomously through the interest and efforts of ordinary citizens without the help of government. This approach is beneficial for understanding the possibilities of solving various social problems without relying on government. However, self-governing social problem solving is not always possible. Therefore, this course aims to provide students with a better understanding of the possibilities and limitations of network governance through new, active participation and voluntary cooperation, the importance/necessity of collaborative governance and the new role of government. This course aims to provide students with an understanding of the difficulties and possibilities of cooperation in social dilemma situations as the essence of social problems. Through such learning, students will develop a proper understanding of the role of the people in a democratic society. By directly participating in various experiments and discussing their experiences, students will develop an understanding of the importance of solving social problems through autonomous cooperation in social dilemma situations.
PRS2002 Government Responses to Demographic Changes and Social Problems 3 6 Major Bachelor Population Change and Resilience Societies - No
This course aims to improve students' understanding of public administration with a focus on demographic changes and social issues, and to consider the direction in which public administration should move by deepening analytical perspectives on social phenomena. To achieve this goal, this course is largely divided into theory and practice parts. In the theory part, you acquire basic knowledge about the operation of government bureaucracy through understanding the structure of the government system and introduction to major approaches in public administration, and in the practice part, you acquire basic knowledge about the operation of government bureaucracy. Through case analysis that focuses on demographic changes and social problems, we help you understand how the actual government system worked in response to these problems, and determine the direction of development of public administration and the government's response based on today's demographic changes and social problems. We plan to actively seek it. This course is for students who are relatively unfamiliar with the topic of modern government systems. It is designed to help students acquire basic knowledge about understanding government bureaucracy as well as gain an applied understanding of how actual government systems work on social issues. . In particular, in response to the fundamental question, “Why does the government respond the way it does to changing social structures?”, the structural aspects are first
PRS2003 Societal Changes and Stress 3 6 Major Bachelor Population Change and Resilience Societies Korean Yes
The 4th Basic Plan for Low Birth Rate and Aging Society (2021-2025) moves away from policies focused on encouraging childbirth and instead presents the improvement of individual quality of life, particularly for children, youth, and the elderly, as one of its three main policy objectives. There is a need for basic courses that can enhance adaptability and resilience to change and stress, allow individuals to enjoy positive experiences amidst change, and cultivate optimism to recognize new opportunities. Through this, it is expected that a foundation of knowledge, attitudes, and values can be established, paving the way for practices that improve the quality of life for individuals and society in the future. The primary goal of the course on Social Changes and Stress is to build fundamental skills that can enhance students' understanding and coping abilities regarding stress, thereby improving their resilience and quality of life as they navigate the rapidly changing future society and demographic shifts. This course will be conducted with the participation of faculty members from three universities: the Department of Psychology at Gachon University, the Department of Psychology at Sungkyunkwan University, and the Department of Social Welfare at Konyang University.
PRS3001 Low Birth Rate and Social Policy 3 6 Major Bachelor Population Change and Resilience Societies English Yes
This course aims to explore social and economic driving forces of low birth rate (LBR) in Korea and how LBR influences social policy in Korea. The course will also review and evaluate the current social policy efforts to address the issue of LBR in Korea and advanced countries. Based on such reviews, the course aims to propose alternative social policy and programs. Students will learn knowledge on the causes and current issues, and consequences of low birth rate in Korea and the relationship between low birth rate and other social polciy. Students will also develop an ability to review and evaluate relevant social policy and programs that target at addressing low birth rate in Korea and other advanced countries.
PRS3002 Youth and social welfare 3 6 Major Bachelor Population Change and Resilience Societies Korean Yes
This course provides a comprehensive understanding of various issues related to youth, including employment, housing, education, welfare, health, and social participation. This course explores diverse methods to enhance the quality of youth life. Along with understanding youth policies such as the Youth Basic Act, the Basic Plan for Youth Policies, and the evaluation of youth policies, students will also learn about the delivery systems of various social services for young people, such as youth centers and non-profit organizations dedicated to resolving youth issues.