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Confucian and Oriental Studies

For more details on the courses, please refer to the Course Catalog

Code Course Title Credit Learning Time Division Degree Grade Note Language Availability
CEK4207 Studies on Literature on Korean Philosophy 3 6 Major Bachelor/Master Confucian Studies, Eastern Philosophy and Korean Philosophy - No
This course purposes to get the basic knowledges needed to analyze and classify the documents into the schools of each periods by examine the essential documents in Korean philosophy.
CEK4208 Lecture on Original texts of Korean Philosophy 3 6 Major Bachelor/Master Confucian Studies, Eastern Philosophy and Korean Philosophy Korean Yes
This course aims to get basic knowledges of Korean Philosophy and develop the ability to understand original texts, by adapting and reading the works valued great achievements in History of Korean Philosophy.
CEK4210 Korean Philosophy Contents Development Seminar 3 6 Major Bachelor/Master Confucian Studies, Eastern Philosophy and Korean Philosophy Korean Yes
'Korean Philosophy Contents Development Seminar' is a course that aims to discover various forms of cultural archetypes inherent in traditional ideas and national culture by analyzing classical literature such as history books and literary collections and seek ways to develop contents featuring those forms of cultural archetypes. This course is carried out in two tracts. First, we discover materials from Korean philosophy that can be combined with major disciplines and issues in modern society such as artificial intelligence, biotechnology, policy, psychology, management, and law. All the materials that covered in Korean philosophy such as figures, ideas, and philosophical concepts are subject to discussion. Next, we find ways to develop and utilize the contents of Korean Philosophy into various cultural contents such as publication, design, video, and broadcasting formats. In particular, we concentrate on developing source stories that can service as motifs for creative production. To achieve the above aim and objectives, this course combines theory classes and practical exercises. Also, a lecturer equipped with field experience is appointed to enrich the substance of the lectures. In this way, this course will not only expand the range of appreciating Korean philosophy in our daily lives but also be helpful for students who are looking for careers that make use of their major.
CEK4211 Confucian Self-cultivation and Actualization 3 6 Major Bachelor/Master Confucian Studies, Eastern Philosophy and Korean Philosophy - No
Today, those who want to learn and practice Confucianism should learn what, how, and in what form should they realize themselves? Confucianism has been able to have a long history of more than two thousand years because it has evolved flexibly according to the demands of the times to present new knowledge systems and practices without being bound by existing concepts and methodologies,. In the newly modified , we think about Confucian cultivation in the era of the 4th industrial revolution and the digital age, and explore the path of self-realization of today's Confucian students.
CHS2004 Humanities and creative thinking 1 2 Major Bachelor 1-4 Challenge Semester - No
The fourth industrial revolution is expected to accelerate the development of a hyper-connected society. IT technologies will enable various applications in our society with intelligent network connecting human, data, and objects. In such environment, companies will continue to strive to discover value-adding services for customers. This course is intended to help students enhance the understanding of human(customer) instinct as well as business and creativity through the lens of humanities.
CHS2007 Debate of Korean Neo-Confucianism 1 2 Major Bachelor 1-4 Challenge Semester - No
The purpose of this course is to understand the Neo-Confucianism of the Joseon Dynasty, which formed the main foundation of Korean culture and thought, through the key issue of the changing times. In the 14th century, we look at the reasons of intellectuals who emphasized ethics in the process of accepting and settling down the subject. In the 16th century, we look at the Four-Seven Debate of Yi-Hwang and the Human-Moral mind Debate of Yi-yi. In the 18th century, we take a look at the Korean ethic that was formed through the Ho-rak debate. In the 19th century, look at the Dongdo-Seoki Debate caused by the inflow of Seo-hak. In the 20th century, look at the meaning of the Sim-seol debate developed by the modern Confucian reform theory in Korea. Through this lecture, First of all, we can understand the representative arguments of each era. Secondly, explains the identity of Koreans. Finally, seek forward-looking universal value.
CHS2011 Engineering Ethics and Post-Confucianism in the AI era 2 4 Major Bachelor 1-4 Challenge Semester - No
In this class, we will ponder over various ethical problems that currently arise in the process of developing artificial intelligence, and consider what kind of ethics is required in the future society in which much more advanced forms of artificial intelligence will emerge. In addition, we will examine whether and how East Asian traditions, especially the Confucian tradition, can still provide ethical insights to our society in the AI era.
CHS2017 A new human, phono sapiens Experience Design 3 6 Major Bachelor 1-4 Challenge Semester Korean Yes
As humans started using smartphones, they are experiencing changes in consumption psychology, consumer behavior, and market ecosystems due to rapidly changing lifestyles. This represents a new type of human, the main protagonist of the revolution, called Phono Sapiens. As consumption civilization changes, we learn about digital transformation and changes in business models driven by the development and evolution of big data, artificial intelligence, and digital platforms. We analyze and learn the direction of digital experience design (Digital Experience Design) based on digital transformation. Companies provide and understand the direction of new business innovation and change in accordance with rapidly changing trends for Phono Sapiens, the new consumers.
COS2005 the Great Learning and the Doctrine of the Means 3 6 Major Bachelor 2-3 Korean Yes
The Great Learning and the Doctrine of the Mean illuminate the correlation between the self-cultivation of individuals and the construction and maintenance of a ideal society. Particularly, these two Confucian texts provide the epistemological and cosmo-ontological ground of Confucian philosophy. Reading of these texts are important for learning the philosophical and sociological foundation of Confucianism.
COS2016 Aesthetics of Poetry, Calligraphy and Painting 3 6 Major Bachelor 2-3 Korean Yes
This lecture analyzes aesthetic perspective and value system of poetry, calligraphy and painting in east asian culture. we will focus on analyzing concepts, historical flow and philosophical featires of east asian aesthetics.
COS2020 Korean Religion and Culture 3 6 Major Bachelor 2-3 Korean Yes
A basic course for the curricula. The students are to explore the process of reception and development of Confucianism, Daoism, and Buddhism in Korea with emphasis upon their unique features and significances. In such a process, the students are expected to understand how Confucianism, Buddhism, Daoism, and folk beliefs have been reflected in Korean culture with a multi-dimensional study of various literary works, artifacts, and cultural practices of Korea.
COS2027 Introduction to East Asian Philosophy 3 6 Major Bachelor 2-3 Korean Yes
By examining the thought of Confucianism, Buddhism and Taoism representing East Asian philosophy, we will understand the perspective and value system of East Asian thought. In recognizing the characteristics and history of each thought, we can grope for the meaning of those thought in present times.
COS2034 The Analects 3 6 Major Bachelor 2-3 Korean Yes
The Analects is an anthology of the discussions between Confucius and his disciples. Reading this most important text in Confucian tradition will provide students with an invaluable opportunity to understanding the profound wisdom of Confucius and the prototype of Confucianism.
COS2035 Mencius 3 6 Major Bachelor 2-3 Korean Yes
Inheriting the intellectual legacy of Confucius, Mencius particularly advanced the thesis of the goodness of human nature and revolutionary ideas in the Confucian tradition. Mencius is important particularly in understanding the epistemology and socio-political ideas of Confucianism.
COS2038 Introduction to oriental science of arts and culture 3 6 Major Bachelor 2-3 Korean Yes
This is a introductive course to study East Asian arts and culture. The general understanding of culture and arts will help to study East Asian's in advance.