SKK GSB에서는 커리어 특화된 4개의 트랙(AI & Business Analytics, Finance, Marketing) 중에서 선택하여 그에 맞는 선택과목들을 수강함으로써 여러분의 MBA 경험을 자유롭게 맞춤 설계할 수 있습니다.
SKK GSB의 MBA 트랙을 선택함으로써 여러분은 미래의 고용주에게 특정 분야에 대한 심층 지식과 이와 관련된 애널리틱스 툴을 활용한 분석 기술을 겸비한 핵심 인재임을 시사할 수 있습니다. 트랙 이수 과정은 자유 선택 사항이며, 학위 요구 사항은 아닙니다.학생들은 원한다면 두 개의 트랙을 동시 이수할 수 있습니다.
복잡한 비즈니스 환경에서 모든 성공적인 기업은 전략적 비전을 가진 민첩한 리더를 필요로 합니다.
경영 컨설턴트, 기업 경영자, 기업가, 혹은 투자 은행가로 진로 계획을 세우고 있는 학생들에게 SKK GSB의 Full-Time MBA Management 트랙은 학생들에게 비즈니스 목표를 만들고 달성하기 위한 분석 능력과 기업가적 마인드를 심어줍니다.
Choose Your Course
Management Track을 통해, 여러분의 관심사에 맞는 과목을 선택하여 MBA 교육과정을 맞춤 설계하십시오. 다음은 Management Track에 해당하는 과목들의 예입니다.
Managing Teams & Groups
This course is on the theory and practice of managing teams. By combining research evidence with examples from best practices, this course will equip you with the conceptual understanding and practical skills to manage teams effectively. At the end of this course, you will be able to analyze team dynamics, assess team performance, diagnose team problems, and develop interventions to fix problems
Managing Teams & Groups
This course is on the theory and practice of managing teams. By combining research evidence with examples from best practices, this course will equip you with the conceptual understanding and practical skills to manage teams effectively. At the end of this course, you will be able to analyze team dynamics, assess team performance, diagnose team problems, and develop interventions to fix problems
Corporate Strategy
Corporate Strategy (vs. Business Strategy) is about creating persistent superior performance for organizations with a specific focus on growth strategy, organization design, and innovation. This course is concerned with both the determination of the strategic direction and the management of the corporate strategy that identifies new business opportunities outside a firm’s main domain. Our perspective in this course will be that of a general manager whose responsibility is the long-term health of an entire organization. This perspective enables us to view the organization in an overall fashion in the context of its environment. The course is organized around the following themes in organization design and innovation: the roles and concepts of corporate strategy formulation, diversification, vertical integration, global expansion, roles of conglomerates, organizational structure, and competitiveness.
This course explores entrepreneurship through an in-depth examination of how new business opportunities are discovered, and how they should be evaluated and acted upon. The course combines theory, case discussions, and hands-on workshops, to offer a well-rounded learning experience that helps students develop skills and apply tools vital in today’s business world, whether one explores it as an entrepreneur or as a corporate manager.
Human Resource Management
This course is designed to cover various concepts, principles, and issues related to human resource management (HRM) in an organization. It helps you appreciate the role of human resource and design HRM practices of recruiting, performance appraisals, talent management, and compensation to enhance employee satisfaction and firm performance.
ESG Strategy
As a sequel to business strategy and corporate strategy, this course covers the basic concepts of ESG (Environmental, Social, and Governance) and Creating Shared Value (CSV) and multiple approaches with strategy tools and frameworks. The CSV approach to implement ESG strategy sees social issues as a source of business opportunity and competitive advantage for business, rather than a social obligation or cost of doing business. As a strategy course, it incorporates a social purpose into core competitive strategy. The cases in the course demonstrate the power of companies of all sizes, especially multinationals, to gain competitive advantage through achieving social impact at large scale.
Cryptoeconomics & Blockchain
This course provides students with a clear understanding of the key concepts, economic principles, and technological aspects underlying cryptocurrencies and blockchains. It will help students think in a systematic fashion about how to exploit these technologies for their organization.
People Analytics
The goal of this course is to furnish you with the necessary knowledge and skills to be proficient people analysts. The skills that you will acquire at the end of this course will help you hire the right candidate for your company, measure the work performance of your employees accurately, and motivate and manage people in your company using data-driven, evidence-based approaches.
Digital Transformation
Driven by shifts in customer behavior, competition, technology, and market boundaries, the digital age is bringing new challenges to business leaders and making resilience an increasingly complex endeavor. Digital innovation rebalances three key relationships: human minds and machines; physical products and digital platforms; and the core (centralized knowledge) and the crowd (decentralized knowledge). Using the classic tenets of competitive strategy as its starting points, this course examines how these apply in a digitally tranformed context to create new threats but also significant new opportunities for companies and for their managers.