분석실 안내

연구장비 소개

분석실 안내

연구장비 소개

Dragonfly(spinning disc)

악취 및 유해물질분석실 연구장비 종류 및 담당자
영문명/단축명 Upgrade of a wide field microscope to a high speed spinning disk confocal microscope  / Dragonfly(spinning disc)
모델명 Dragonfly 302
설치장소 Bio분석실 / 의학관 713205A호
제작사 Oxford(Andor)
도입년도/가격 2017년 10월 / 262,589,885
담당자/연락처/e-mail 김태권(Kim Taekwon) / 031-299-6462 / greenta02@skku.edu


♦ Features


• High Speed Confocal Imaging Platform For Confocal and laser-based widefield imaging

• upgrade in the future. Single pinhole pattern of 40um in confocal mode

• camera zoom optics of 1.0x, 1.5x and 2.0x for optimum resolution across different objective magnifications and camera pixel sizes


♦ Additional Options


• Includes Fusion-Imaris workstation for hardware control of multi-modal imaging, image capture and visualisation


♦ Specification


• CR-DFLY-302, High Speed Confocal Imaging Platform for Confocal and Laser-Based Widefield Imaging

• Dfly Laser Dichroic for 405-488-561-640nm

• Zyla PLUS 4.2Megapixel USB3.0 CMOS Camera : 1ea -Includes Rolling Shutter

• 450/50nm & 525/50nm & 600/50nm, 620/60nm, 700/75nm Bandpass Emission Wheel Filter

• Polarizer 25mm-Em Filter Wheel

• Dfly Microscope Kit for Leica DMi8

• Primary 4 Line VIS-NIR ILE Laser Merge Module and Controller, Single Port Multi-Mode Only

• Solid State 405nm Smart Diode Laser at 100mW for ILE

• Solid State 488nm Diode Laser at 150mW for ILE

• OBIS LS 561nm Smart OPSS Laser at 100mW for ILE

• OBIS LX Solid State 637nm Smart Diode Laser at 140mW for ILE

• Board PCI Gated Buffer Breakout Box W/4+1 Digital In/Out Only