분석실 안내

연구장비 소개

분석실 안내

연구장비 소개


악취 및 유해물질분석실 연구장비 종류 및 담당자
영문명/단축명 Luminescence and Fluorescence Imaging System  / 발광/형광/x-ray
설치장소 Bio분석실 / 의학관 713214호
제작사 Spectral Instruments Imaging, Inc.
도입년도/가격 2017년 7월 / 411,460,615
담당자/연락처/e-mail 김태권(Kim Taekwon) / 031-299-6462 / greenta02@skku.edu


♦ Features


• Fluorescence filter

- Excitation filters : 14 ea, Wavelenghts from 360 nm to 805 nm

- Emission filters : 20 ea, Wavelenghts from 490 nm to 870 nm

Fluorescence, Luminescence 2D image(Rat Maximum 5)


♦ Additonal Options


• X-ray Imaging System

- Energy range : Approximately 10-50 KeV

- Maximum Current : Approximately 200uA

- X-Ray Field of View : 25 x 23 cm

- X-Ray Scanner CCD Pixel Dimensions : 1520 x 128

- X-Ray Scanner CCD Pixel Size : 48 x 48 μm

- X-Ray Scanner A/D Converter Resolution : 12 bit


♦ Specification


• In vivo Optical imaging chamber

Footprint (W×D×H) : 56×66×211 cm

- Heated stage or air (20℃-40℃) for animal warming without image quality

• Back-thinned and cooled CCD Camera

CCD Camera : Back-thinned and cooled CCD Camera : -90℃, air cooled

CCD Pixel : 2,048 × 2,048

CCD size : 27.6 × 27.6 mm 

Field Of View : 6 × 6 cm to 25 × 25 cm

Luminescence Sensitivity : 45 photons/sec/cm2/sr

Quantum Efficiency : >85% from 500-700 nm, >30% from 400-850 nm