분석실 안내

연구장비 소개

분석실 안내

연구장비 소개

고분해능투과전자현미경1 (HRTEM1)

영문명/단축명 High Resolution Transmission Electron Microscope / HRTEM 1 (EDS)

JEM-3010 / Oxford x-max 80T(EDS)

설치장소 미세구조분석실 / [82105]TEM lab.1
제작사 JEOL
도입년도/가격 1999.10월 / 745,358,368원 
담당자/연락처/e-mail 김지혜(Kim Jihye) / 031-299-6738 / kjh1102@skku.edu


♦ Features


• Seamless Integration

FasTEMoffers high throughput operating environment that integrates the TEM, different analytical detectors and most advanced image processing.

• Real-time Remote Control

A newly developed system architecture allows remote control with comfort from all over the world via network


♦ Additional Options


• Energy Dispersive X-Ray Spectrometer (EDS)

Resolution : 129 eV@Mn

Detector : Silicon drift detector (SDD)

Detection Range : Be to Cf

기본 성분 분석 가능 (원소, wt%, at%)

Point, Line, Mapping 분석불가

• STEM, EELS 기능없음


♦ Specification


• Resolution: TEM0.17nm(Point)0.14nm(Lattice)

• Magnification: 4,000x - 1,500,000x

• Accelerating Voltage: 300kV

• Camera length range: 120 - 3,000mm

• Specimen Tilt range +/-20 degrees (X & Y)


♦ Application Data

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