분석실 안내

연구장비 소개

분석실 안내

연구장비 소개

레오미터 (Rheometer)

영문명/단축명 Rheometer / Rheometer


설치장소 물성분석실 / [81615A]무기분석실Ⅱ
제작사 TA
도입년도/가격 2014.11월 / 197,520,000
담당자/연락처/e-mail 김재룡(Kim Jaeryong) / 031-299-6716 / jrkim0904@skku.edu


♦ Features


 Rheometer is an experimental device for studying rheology and measuring material properties.

• Rheometer is an analysis device that measures the material by loading it on the measuring part, controlling the surrounding temperature, and applying a wide range of stress, strain, and strain rate.

• Rheometer(Ares-G2, Strain control type)

• Electric Chiller / Forced Convection Oven

• Advanced Peltier System(APS)

• Geometry

 – Plate Type: 8mm, 25mm, 50mm
 – Cylinder Type(DIN) 


♦ Specification


• Minimum Transducer Torque(Osc/Shear): 0.05 / 0.1 μN·m

• Maximum Transducer Torque: 200mN·m
• Transducer Normal/Axial Force Range: 0.001 to 20N
• Temperature Range
 – Oven with Chiller: 90~500℃
 – APS: -10~150 ℃


♦ Application Data


• Flow test(Viscosity): Temperature, Shear rate change(1/s)

• Oscillation Test(Modulus)
 – Frequency Sweep: Hz, rad/s change
 – Amplitude: strain change (%)
 – Temperature: ℃
 – Time: second
• Creep & Recovery, Stress Relaxation