분석실 안내

연구장비 소개

분석실 안내

연구장비 소개

열확산도 측정장비(LFA)

악취 및 유해물질분석실 연구장비 종류 및 담당자
영문명/단축명 Thermal Diffusivity/LFA
모델명 LFA467
설치장소 악취 및 유해물질 분석실/ [81B118]석면분석실
제작사 Netzsch
도입년도/가격 2015년 11월/104,315,885원
담당자/연락처/e-mail 안현주(Ahn Hyeon-ju) / 031-299-6728 / ramonblue@skku.edu


♦ Features


• The LFA 467 HyperFlash is designed as a vertical system with the light source at the bottom to heat up the bottom side of a sample located at the middle position, and a detector on top to measure the temperature rise at the top side of the sample.

• A xenon lamp serves as the flash source.

• Furnace cooling device : External chiller (RT ~ 500°C)

• In-Plane Sample Holder (for measurements of a round sample in a horizontal direction) (for sample dimensions Ø 20~25.4 mm, thickness 1 mm max)


♦ Specification


• Temperature range: 25°C to 500° with only one single furnace

• Sample dimensions:

- Ø 25.4 mm standard round sample holder(In plane)

- Ø 12.7 mm thin foil sample holder

• Measuring range thermal diffusivity: 0.01 mm2/s to 1000 mm2/s

• Measuring range thermal conductivity: < 0.1 W/(mK) to 2000 W/(mK)

• Contactless measurement of the temperature increase with IR detector

• Data acquisition rate: up to 2 MHz (for both thermal curve and pulse mapping)



♦ Application Data


LFA467 Application