분석실 안내

연구장비 소개

분석실 안내

연구장비 소개

비열측정용 DSC(비열 DSC)

악취 및 유해물질분석실 연구장비 종류 및 담당자
영문명/단축명 specific heat DSC / specific heat DSC
모델명 DSC214
설치장소 악취 및 유해물질 분석실/ [81B116]열분석실
제작사 Netzsch
도입년도/가격 2016년 3월 / 40,000,000원
담당자/연락처/e-mail 안현주(Ahn Hyeon-ju) / 031-299-6728 / ramonblue@skku.edu


♦ Features


• New all-inclusive 360° product package for the characterization of polymers

• Easier sample preparation than ever before

• Automated measurement and evaluation 


♦ Specification


• Temperature range : -170°C to 600°C

• Heating/Cooling rate : 0.001 K/min to 500 K/min

• Indium Response Ratio : > 100 mW/K

• Resolution (technical) : 0.1 µW

• Enthalpy precision : ± 0.1% for indium / ± 0.05% to ± 0.2% for most samples

• Specific heat determination Optional

• Temperature modulation Optional

• Cooling device options

 - Compressed air cooling (RT to 600°C)

• Gas atmospheres : Inert, oxidizing, static and dynamic operation

• Gas controller : Switches for 3 gases included

• ASC : Up to 20 samples and references, optional 


♦ Application Data


DSC214 Applications