분석실 안내

연구장비 소개

분석실 안내

연구장비 소개

고분해능원자힘현미경(바이오겸용) (Bio-AFM)


Time-of-Flight Secondary Ion Mass Spectrometer / HR-AFM(Bio겸용)


NanoWizard Ultra Speed

설치장소 표면분석실 / [81B113]기기분석실Ⅰ
제작사 JPK Instruments
도입년도/가격 2016.2월 / 원 
담당자/연락처/e-mail 홍문규(Hong Moon-Kyu) / 031-299-6764 / hmkdream@skku.edu


♦ Features


• Quantitative Imaging with QI mode

• High resolution imaging of biological and soft samples in air or liquid

• Up to 300 lines/sec in air or liquid

• Closed loop atomic resolution

• Low noise Vortis controller

• Acoustic isolation hood


♦ Specification


• Atomic Resolution in closed-loop on inverted microscope: < 0.025nm RMS z noise level

• Rigid Low-noise design and drift-minimized mecanics

• High detector bandwidth of 8MHz for high speed signal capture

• Intelligent and automated approach with user defined parameters for soft landing

• Scanner unit

- Flexure stage scanner design with decoupled, low mass z scanner

- Max Scan Size: 30x30μm

- Z resonance frequency >70 kHz

- Position noise level better than 0.1nm RMS in XY (in closed-loop)

and 0.04nm RMS Sensor noise level in z (3kHz bw)


♦ Application Data


• Image측정(2D, 3D)


• Roughness 측정(시료의 조도(거칠기)를 측정하여 Ra, Rz, Rp등의 파라미터 수치화)


• Line Profile 측정(시료 내 특정부위의 단차 측정)