Roadmap & Course Catalog
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Course Offerings (Graduate)
Students need to achieve the minimum credits in major courses. Graduate program offers courses below:
* Type_1 : The courses are categorized as Bachelor / Master / Master-Ph.D. and Ph.D. depending on the intended degree.
* Type_2 : The courses are categorzied as Theory (acquisition of knowledge · expertises), Industrial training, Research and Experiment (acquisition of application · practice) depending on the courses purpose.
Code | Title | Credit | Type_1 | Type_2 |
SPT4001 | Studies in Sports Nutrition | 3 | Bachelor/Master | Theory |
SPT4002 | Studies in Exercise Physiology | 3 | Bachelor/Master | Theory |
SPT4003 | Studies in Sports Biomechanics | 3 | Bachelor/Master | Theory |
SPT4004 | Studies in Sport Psychology | 3 | Bachelor/Master | Theory |
SPT4005 | Studies in Statistics of Physical Education | 3 | Bachelor/Master | Theory |
SPT4006 | Studies in Sports Sociology | 3 | Bachelor/Master | Theory |
SPT4007 | The Study of Motor Learning | 3 | Bachelor/Master | Theory |
SPT4008 | Studies in Measurement and Evaluation of Physical Education | 3 | Bachelor/Master | Theory |
SPT5001 | Topics in Cardiorespiratory Physiology | 3 | Master/Ph.D. | Theory |
SPT5002 | Topics in Exercise Physiology | 3 | Master/Ph.D. | Theory |
SPT5004 | Topics in Exercise Prescription | 3 | Master/Ph.D. | Theory |
SPT5006 | Topics in Sport Medicine | 3 | Master/Ph.D. | Theory |
SPT5007 | Topics in Training | 3 | Master/Ph.D. | Theory |
SPT5009 | Topics in Neuromuscular Physiology | 3 | Master/Ph.D. | Theory |
SPT5010 | Topics in Sport Nutrition | 3 | Master/Ph.D. | Theory |
SPT5015 | Topics in Motor Skill Analysis | 3 | Master/Ph.D. | Theory |
SPT5018 | Topics in Sports for All | 3 | Master/Ph.D. | Theory |
SPT5022 | The Topics in Sport Tourism | 3 | Master/Ph.D. | Theory |
SPT5024 | Topics in Motor Learning | 3 | Master/Ph.D. | Theory |
SPT5025 | Topics in Sport Psychology | 3 | Master/Ph.D. | Theory |
SPT5027 | Topics in Motor Control | 3 | Master/Ph.D. | Theory |
SPT5029 | Topics in Sport Counseling | 3 | Master/Ph.D. | Theory |
SPT5034 | Topics in Research Methods of Sport Science | 3 | Master/Ph.D. | Theory |
SPT5035 | Topics in Factor Analysis | 3 | Master/Ph.D. | Theory |
SPT5037 | Topics in Sports Marketing | 3 | Master/Ph.D. | Theory |
SPT5038 | Topics in Sport Management | 3 | Master/Ph.D. | Theory |
SPT5043 | Topics in Administration and Management of Sports | 3 | Master/Ph.D. | Theory |
SPT5044 | International Affaires in Sports | 3 | Master/Ph.D. | Theory |
SPT5049 | Topics in Political Economics of Sports | 3 | Master/Ph.D. | Theory |
SPT5051 | Topics in Laboratory in Exercise Physiology | 3 | Master/Ph.D. | Theory |
SPT5052 | Topics in Sport Biomechanics | 3 | Master/Ph.D. | Theory |
SPT5053 | Topics in Sports Economics | 3 | Master/Ph.D. | Theory |
SPT5054 | Topics in Consumer Behavior in Sport Industry | 3 | Master/Ph.D. | Theory |
SPT5055 | The Topics of Social Research Method | 3 | Master/Ph.D. | Theory |
SPT5058 | Topics in Organizational Behavior in Sport Industry | 3 | Master/Ph.D. | Theory |
SPT5059 | Topics in Human Resource Management in Sport Organization | 3 | Master/Ph.D. | Theory |
SPT5060 | Topics in Motor Development | 3 | Master/Ph.D. | Theory |
SPT5062 | Data Analysis in Sport Science | 3 | Master/Ph.D. | Theory |
SPT5063 | Topics in Motor Cognitive Psychology | 3 | Master/Ph.D. | Theory |
SPT5064 | Topics in Sport Culture | 3 | Master/Ph.D. | Theory |
SPT5065 | Topics in Biomechanics | 3 | Master/Ph.D. | Theory |
SPT5066 | Topics in Sport Engineering | 3 | Master/Ph.D. | Theory |
SPT5067 | International Sport Business | 3 | Master/Ph.D. | Theory |
SPT5068 | Sport Media | 3 | Master/Ph.D. | Theory |
SPT5070 | Topics in Philosophy and History of Sport | 3 | Master/Ph.D. | Theory |
SPT6008 | Sport Psychology Seminar | 3 | Ph.D. | Theory |
SPT6012 | Directed Study | 3 | Ph.D. | Research |
SPT6021 | Seminar in Exercise Physiology | 3 | Ph.D. | Theory |
SPT6022 | Seminar in Sport Socilology | 3 | Ph.D. | Theory |
SPT6023 | Seminar in Sport Marketing Communications | 3 | Ph.D. | Theory |
SPT6024 | Seminar in Sport Organization Management | 3 | Ph.D. | Theory |
SPT6025 | Seminar in Sport Mass Communication | 3 | Ph.D. | Theory |
SPT6027 | Seminar in Muscle Mechanics | 3 | Ph.D. | Theory |