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- +82-31-290-7104
- jy.bak@skku.edu
- Engineering 2 (27) 3F 27306
[Research Interest]
Artificial Intelligence, Machine Learning, Natural Language Processing
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- Assistant Professor Software Engineering
- +82-31-290-7953
- sooyoung.cha@skku.edu
- Engineering 2 (27) 3F 27318
[Research Interest]
Software Testing, Program Analysis
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- Associate Professor Artificial Intelligence
- +82-31-299-4393
- aimecca@skku.edu
- Engineering 2 (27) 3F 27302A
[Research Interest]
Game AI Story generation AI planner Natural Language Processing
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- Associate Professor Computer Architecture
- +82-31-290-7698
- hyungmin.cho@skku.edu
- Research & Business Center 4F 85470
[Research Interest]
Computing Platforms for Machine Learning Processor Architecture Hardware Reliability
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- +82-31-290-7106
- jmjo@skku.edu
- Engineering 2 (27) 3F 27326
[Research Interest]
Data Science, Information Visualization, Human-AI Interaction
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- +82-31-290-7132
- thcho@skku.edu
- Engineering 2 (27) 3F 27330
[Research Interest]
Intelligent System Modeling and Simulation Network Security Ubiquitous Sensor Network (USN) Ubiquitous System Security Enterprise Resource Planning
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- +82-31-290-7975
- meosery@skku.edu
- Engineering 2 (27) 3F 27322A
[Research Interest]
5G and 6G Mobile Network Wireless LAN Vehicle Ad-hoc Network (VANET) Machine To Machine (M2M) Security in Emerging Applications Telemedicine and Digital-Healthcare Cloud Computing Reverse Engineering Digital Forensic Penetration Test
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- +82-31-290-7145
- choo@skku.edu
- Engineering 2 (27) 3F 27304
[Research Interest]
Data Deep Learning (Life log, SKT Networks, Baseball Games) Medical Image Processing (Eye Fundus, OCT, Bone and Chest) Generative Adversarial Network (GAN) and Transformer Reinforcement Learning and Mobile Edge (MEC) Intelligent Internet of Things (AI-IoT) Network Softwarization (NetSoft-SDN/NDF) “Autonomous” Ad hoc and Sensor Networks Human Things Interactions (Robot, Drone, Energy)
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- +82-31-290-7120
- yieom@skku.edu
- Engineering 2 (27) 3F 27314
[Research Interest]
System Software, Operating System, File system, Storage system, Virtualization, Distributed Computing, UI/UX platform
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- +82-31-299-4594
- hhan@skku.edu
- Research & Business Center 5F 85568
[Research Interest]
Parallel and Distributed Systems / Big-Data Analytics Frameworks / System SW for Non-Volatile Memory
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- +82-31-290-7965
- jaepilheo@skku.edu
- Research & Business Center 4F 85472
[Research Interest]
Large-Scale Image Search Similarity Search for High-Dimensional Data Object Detection and Recognition Automatic Image Tagging Collision Detection
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- Assistant Professor Software Security, Automotive Security, Blockchain Security, Programming Language
- +82-31-290-7954
- sungjaeh@skku.edu
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- +82-31-299-4957
- pauljeong@skku.edu
- Research & Business Center 4F 85468
[Research Interest]
Cyber-Physical Systems Vehicular Networks Wireless Sensor Networks Mobile Computing
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- +82-31-299-4324
- hyoung@skku.edu
- Research & Business Center 5F 85572
[Research Interest]
Security engineering Social network analysis Human authentication Usable security
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- +82-31-299-6491
- linux@skku.edu
- Hoam Hall 8F 50806
[Research Interest]
Artificial Intelligence Recommendation & Prediction System Intelligent System Machine Intelligence & Learning Pattern Analysis Medical Intelligence System
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- Professor
- +82-31-290-7969
- Engineering 2 (27) 3F 27312
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- +82-31-290-7977
- yhoon@skku.edu
- Research & Business Center 5F 85562
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- Associate Professor Intelligent Systems
- +82-31-299-4397
- yskim525@skku.edu
- Research & Business Center 4F 85462
[Research Interest]
Intelligent Systems Reinforcement Learning Machine Learning System Optimization
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- +82-31-299-4798
- yjko@skku.edu
- N Center 4F 86409
[Research Interest]
Natural Language Processing (Dialogue System, Question-Answering System etc.), Information Retrieval(Generative IR etc.), Generative AI(Controllable Text Generation-CTG etc.), small Language Model, Retrieval Augmented Generation(RAG), Text Mining(Text Classification/Summarization etc.)
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- +82-31-299-4958
- kevin.koo@g.skku.edu
- Engineering 2 (27) 3F 27316B
[Research Interest]
Software security, System security, AI for Security , Security for Emerging Technologoies
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- +82-31-290-7135
- leees@skku.edu
- Research & Business Center 4F 85466
[Research Interest]
Software Engineering Technologies: Software Testing and Multi-Fault Localization(SFL based/ IR based, etc) Test Optimization(Test case reconfiguration and prioritization) Auto-Patch Generation and Code Auto-Fixing Interactive Bug Reporting System Self-adaptive Software Technologies Adaptization Techniques for Legacy Software
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- +82-31-290-7660
- hankook.lee@skku.edu
- Research & Business Center 5F 85558
[Research Interest]
Machine Learning, Deep Learning Representation Learning, Self-supervised Learning Transfer Learning, Few-Shot Learning, Continual Learning Computer Vision, Molecular Graphs, Time-series Modeling, Tabular Data Efficient Neural Network Architectures
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- Associate Professor OS Security, Software Attacks and Defenses, Cloud Security
- +82-31-290-7697
- hojoon.lee@skku.edu
- Engineering 2 (27) 3F 27310B
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- +82-31-290-7154
- john@skku.edu
- Engineering 2 (27) 3F 27308A
[Research Interest]
Deep Learning, Machine Learning, Federated Learning, Medical Image Analysis, User Modeling & Recommender System, Text Mining , Pattern Analysis, Outlier Detection,
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- +82-31-290-7691
- jinkyu.lee@skku.edu
- Engineering 2 (27) 3F 27322B
[Research Interest]
1. Real-Time Scheduling and Systems: Timing guarantees for safety- and mission-critical systems └ ML for RT & RT for ML: Machine learning for real-time systems, and timing guarnatee for machine learning 2. Software Defined Batteries: Improvement of battery performance through computer science/engineering principles 3. Mobile Computing and Systems: Facilitating new functions for mobile devices without additional hardware
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- +82-31-299-4329
- julee@skku.edu
- Research & Business Center 4F 85464
[Research Interest]
Recommender Systems Information Retrieval Natural Language Processing Machine Learning
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- +82-31-290-7126
- sungkil@skku.edu
- Engineering 2 (27) 3F 27328
[Research Interest]
GPU rendering, Deep Learning, VR, GPU algorithms, Optics, Global illumination
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- dongmoon.min@skku.edu
- Research & Business Center 4F 85487
[Research Interest]
Cryogenic/Quantum Computer System, CPU/Server/Datacenter Architecture, System Modeling and Simulation, Next-Generation Computer System
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- Professor Data Intensive Computing
- +82-31-290-7967
- Research & Business Center 5F 85566
[Research Interest]
Data Intensive Computing, Computer Systems, Distributed and Parallel Computing
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- +82-31-290-7103
- hogunpark@skku.edu
- Engineering 2 (27) 3F 27310A
[Research Interest]
Machine Learning, Explainable AI(XAI), Knowledge Discovery, Relational learning, Natural Language Processing(NLP), Graph Mining
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- +82-31-299-4953
- euiseong@skku.edu
- Research & Business Center 5F 85564
[Research Interest]
Power-aware System Software Cloud Computing Virtualization Embedded Systems
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- +82-31-299-4584
- dongkun@skku.edu
- Semiconductor Building 3F 400310
[Research Interest]
Machine Learning Optimization, On-Device AI, ML Accelerator (NPU/PIM), OS/File systems, Storage
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- +82-31-290-7968
- tamer@skku.edu
- Research & Business Center 4F 85489
[Research Interest]
- Information security - Data Science - ML/DL for Healthcare Applications
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- Associate Professor Computer Science
- +82-31-290-7966
- hwoo@skku.edu
- Research & Business Center 5F 85560
[Research Interest]
Reinforcement Learning, Embodied Agent, System Intelligence
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- Associate Professor
- 2022 SKKU Fellowship
- swoo@g.skku.edu
- N Center 4F 86407
[Research Interest]
Anomaly Detection, Data-Driven Approach, Data Mining/Machine Learning, Security, Provacy, Human Computer Interaction (HCI), Satellite Systems
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- +82-31-299-4595
- ikjun@skku.edu
- Research & Business Center 5F 85570
[Research Interest]
overlay networks for content distribution performance enhancement of mobile wireless networks cooperative communications for multi-hop wireless networks cognitive radio networks