[Hiring/Recruitment] Software & Service Assistant (SSA) Recruitment Guide
- 소프트웨어융합대학
- Hit2128
- 2023-11-08
1. Contents
- Recruitment target: Undergraduate students at SW Convergence University (No application for those who are scheduled to take a leave of absence
-Recruitment number: O people
- Recruitment period: ~2023.11.08 (Wednesday), may be closed early
- How to apply: Fill out the attached file (application form and consent to collect and use personal information) and send it to e-mail (suuumin@skku.edu )
-Main contents: Development and operation of web services necessary for National Program of Excellence in SW projects
(Service planning and design, web service front-end and back-end development and operation, content operation)
-Preferred conditions: Students with React development experience
- Benefits: Subsidy (9,700 won/hour during semester, 10,000 won/hour during summer/winter challenge semester)
* Please refer to the attached file (operational guidelines) for more information.
2. Inquiry
- Selection related: Lee Mi-hyang, professor of industry and academia (mlee126@skku.edu )
- Contact Us: Sohn Soo-min Staff (suuumin@skku.edu ) / 031-299-6618
Please apply!!