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Classical Chinese Education

For more details on the courses, please refer to the Course Catalog

Code Course Title Credit Learning Time Division Degree Grade Note Language Availability
CHI3038 Appreciate Traditional Chinese Poetry 3 6 Major Bachelor 3-4 Chinese Language and Literature Korean Yes
The course provides opportunities to read and analyse the works of the masters such as Li Bai, Du Fu, Wang Wei, Bai JuYi to expand the range of understanding in Chinese poetry.
CHS7004 Thesis writing in humanities and social sciences using Python 3 6 Major Bachelor/Master/Doctor Challenge Semester - No
This course is to write a thesis in humanities and social science field using Python. This course is for writing thesis using big data for research in the humanities and social sciences. Basically, students will learn how to write a thesis, and implement a program in Python as a research methodology for thesis. Students will learn how to write thesis using Python, which is the most suitable for processing humanities and social science related materials among programming languages ​​and has excellent data visualization. Basic research methodology for thesis writing will be covered first as theoretical lectures. Methodology for selection of topics will be discussed also. Once a topic is selected, a lecture on how to organize related research will be conducted. In the next step, students learn how to write necessary content according to the research methodology. Then how to suggest further discussion along with how to organize bibliography to complete a theoretical approach. The basic Python grammar is covered for data analysis using Python, and the process for input data processing is conducted. After learning how to install and use the required Python package in each research field, the actual data processing will be practiced. To prepare for the joint research, learn how to use the jupyter notebook as the basic environment. Learn how to use matplolib for data visualization and how to use pandas for big data processing.
COE2001 Intelligent Information Society and AI Ethics 3 6 Major Bachelor 1-2 Education Korean Yes
With the development of artificial intelligence, the information society is entering the intelligent information society. The social benefits brought by artificial intelligence are expected to be substantial. However, recently, ethical issues have arisen in various systems with artificial intelligence installed. In particular, unfairness or reliability issues that overwhelm profits are a threat to the intelligent information society itself. The positive and negative aspects of artificial intelligence are considered and problems are identified. In addition, we will examine the ethical principles and guidelines for artificial intelligence, and consider practical countermeasures through the evaluation of artificial intelligence systems.
COE3001 School Based Experience & Learning I 2 4 Major Bachelor 3-4 Education - No
The students of the college of education visit secondary schools and tutor slow learners or help teachers' school works to develop their dispositions for good teachers.
COE3002 School Based Experience & Learning II 3 6 Major Bachelor 3-4 Education - No
The students of the college of education visit secondary schools and tutor slow learners or help teachers' school works to develop their dispositions for good teachers.
COE3003 School Based Experience & Learning III 4 8 Major Bachelor 3-4 Education - No
The students of the college of education visit secondary schools and tutor slow learners or help teachers' school works to develop their dispositions for good teachers.
COE3004 School Based Experience & Learning IV 5 10 Major Bachelor 3-4 Education - No
The students of the college of education visit secondary schools and tutor slow learners or help teachers' school works to develop their dispositions for good teachers.
COE3005 Improvement of Teacher’s Spirit and Professionalism 1 2 Major Bachelor 3 Education - No
This course is designed for the student teachers who will be the leaders in the future Korean educational system to develop the spirit and the professionalism of teachers. This course is the common major for the undergraduate in education department and cosists of lectures and practicum in educational setting which include guiding students, teaching in real educational setting.
COE3008 School Based Experience & Learning V 9 18 Major Bachelor Education - No
The students of the college of education visit secondary schools and tutor slow learners or help teachers' school works to develop their dispositions for good teachers.
COE3010 Education Individual ResearchⅠ 2 4 Major Bachelor 3-4 Education - No
This is an independent study course for students who have finished an excellent accomplishment of the course requirements and designed for giving credits which make an excellent record to the students for their research works.
COE3011 Education Individual ResearchⅡ 2 4 Major Bachelor 3-4 Education - No
This is an independent study course for students who have finished an excellent accomplishment of the course requirements and designed for giving credits which make an excellent record to the students for their research works.
COE3012 Education Individual ResearchⅢ 2 4 Major Bachelor 3-4 Education - No
This is an independent study course for students who have finished an excellent accomplishment of the course requirements and designed for giving credits which make an excellent record to the students for their research works.
COE3013 Educational Individual Research 4 2 4 Major Bachelor 3-4 Education - No
This is an independent study course for students who have finished an excellent accomplishment of the course requirements and designed for giving credits which make an excellent record to the students for their research works.
COM3022 Artificial Intelligence 3 6 Major Bachelor 4 Computer Education English Yes
This course introduces problem representation in state space, depth first search, and heuristic search. Also, knowledge representation methods using rule, predicate logic, and resolution are described.
COM3033 Big Data Visualization 3 6 Major Bachelor 3-4 Computer Education Korean Yes
In this subject, learners learn the art of visualizing big data effectively. Implement and validate visualization techniques using Python languages based on a variety of data analysis types.