Inspiring Future, Grand Challenge



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Location suseon hall no. 61409
Address 25-2, Sungkyunkwan-Ro, Jongno-gu, Seoul, Korea
Telephone 82-2-760-0391

The Department of Journalism and Mass Communication (established in 1967) is committed to analyzing various social phenomena related to communication. It deals with communication between humans, organizations, and on a broad level.


The program's competent faculty and scientific curriculum gives students a great opportunity to learn systematically about communication study. It also encourages students to become the central figure in society as journalists, broadcasting workers, or other communication related experts. Our department offers about 40 undergraduate courses and 50 graduate courses including Communication, Journalism, Media, Advertising, Public Relations (PR), and Cultural Studies.


Brief History of the Department

Brief History of the Department
1967 Establishment of Department (Chair: Dr. Eul Byoung CHANG)
1976 Establishment of Graduate School M.A. Program
1981 Establishment of Graduate School Ph.D. Program
1995 Launch of Research Center for Media, Culture and Contents
1996 Establishment of Journalism and Information - Communication
(Special Graduate)
2006 Selected as BK21 Global Cultural Communcatior Project
2014 Reselected as BK21 Plus Global Cultural Communcatior Project


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